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World News

Iraq bill to let SDF transport weapons

A government draft of a bill to provide support for the reconstruction of Iraq does not rule out the Self-Defense Forces (SDF) transporting weapons or ammunition after they are dispatched, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda said June 11.

The provision is likely to stir up debate over whether the mission would violate the war-renouncing Constitution.

So far, SDF activities overseas have been limited to logistic support, and Japan has refused to take part in missions that have a direct link to possible use of force.

Fukuda told a regularly scheduled news conference that transporting weapons and ammunition would be permissible for the SDF under the draft bill.

According to the draft, the SDF would "not supply" weapons and ammunition to U.S.-led troops deployed in Iraq or supply fuel for aircraft preparing for combat operations.

But it does not explicitly rule out "transportation" of weapons or ammunition, or of soldiers who are carrying weapons.

Transporting weapons and ammunition was a point of debate when the Diet deliberated the 2001 antiterrorism law, which enabled the SDF to support U.S.-led military operations in Afghanistan.

The government initially planned to include those tasks in the terms of the SDF's mission, but the ruling coalition decided to drop the proposal in the face of criticism from opposition parties.

Shukan ST: June 20, 2003

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