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World News

Twelve Nepalese hostages killed in Iraq

BAGHDAD (AP) - Militants in Iraq killed 12 Nepalese contract workers in a video discovered on a Web site Aug. 31, which showed one of them beheaded and the 11 others shot in a series of execution-style slayings.

The mass killing marks the highest number of foreign hostages slain at one time by insurgents who are trying to force foreign troops and contract workers out of the country.

Nepal, which has no troops in Iraq, has long banned its citizens from working here because of security concerns. However, 17,000 Nepalese are believed to have slipped into Iraq, with many working as security guards for foreign contractors.

In Nepal, thousands of demonstrators protested against the slayings, attacking a mosque and clashing with police in the country's capital, Kathmandu. One demonstrator died and three more are in serious condition as a result of the protests.

Nepal's government has imposed an indefinite curfew and called for calm.

Shukan ST: Sept. 10, 2004

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