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National News

Miura hangs himself upon return to L.A.

Kazuyoshi Miura, who was brought to Los Angeles on Oct. 10 to face a conspiracy charge in the mysterious shooting of his wife there in 1981, committed suicide.

Miura hanged himself using his T-shirt while in detention at around 10 p.m. after arriving in Los Angeles from Saipan early in the morning. The guards had left him alone in his cell for a short time.

Miura and his 28-year-old wife Kazumi were shot in a Los Angeles parking lot on Nov. 18, 1981, in what appeared to be a robbery. He was shot in the leg and she in the head.

According to some reports, Miura organized the shooting. (Kyodo News, AP)

Shukan ST: Oct. 24, 2008

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