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National News

Ex-Nishimatsu chief arrested over scandal

Tokyo prosecutors arrested Mikio Kunisawa, 70, the former president of Nishimatsu Construction Co., on Jan. 20 over a yen 70 million slush fund scandal involving the Tokyo-based contractor. The Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office arrested former Nishimatsu Vice President Keiji Fujimaki, 68, and three others Jan. 14.

Kunisawa is suspected of instructing Fujimaki and the others to bring a total of yen 70 million into Japan from Hong Kong and other overseas locations without reporting it to customs authorities on five occasions between February 2006 and August 2007.

Fujimaki is known to have once headed a department linked to two political organizations that provided donations to politicians, both in the ruling and opposition camps. (Kyodo News)

Shukan ST: Jan. 30, 2009

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