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World News

Thaksin's passport revoked after Thai protests end

Thailand's government has revoked the personal passport of ousted and exiled Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra following several days of demonstrations that paralyzed Bangkok, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said April 15.

Thaksin, whom the government accuses of stoking the recent protests, has been on the run since he fled the country ahead of a conviction on corruption charges last year. The move comes a day after protests led by Thaksin's supporters ended in the face of a mounting military crackdown. The demonstrations forced the cancellation of a major Asian summit, paralyzed the capital for days and left two dead and 123 injured before leaders called them off.

A state of emergency remained in place April 15 with soldiers continuing to patrol key intersections in the capital. (AP)

Shukan ST: April 24, 2009

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