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World News

Typhoon survivors found

Rescuers have found nearly 1,000 people alive in the area around three remote villages devastated by Typhoon Morakot, which pummeled the island Aug. 8-9, Taiwan's military said.

Hundreds more are missing and feared dead in Kaohsiung county in southern Taiwan, though the official death toll stood at 63, and authorities could only confirm 61 missing.

While other areas of the country were hit hard, rescuers were focusing their efforts on Kaohsiung, but continuing heavy rains were wreaking havoc on their efforts.

Morakot, which means "emerald" in the Thai language, struck the Philippines, Taiwan and China, and left at least 93 people dead, most in Taiwan. It dumped two meters of rain on the island before moving on to China, where authorities evacuated 1.5 million people and 10,000 homes were destroyed. (AP)

Shukan ST: August 21, 2009

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