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National News

Shooting of NPA chief blamed on Aum cult

Police released a report March 30 blaming Aum Shinrikyo for the 1995 attempted assassination of the top police officer of the National Police Agency, announcing unsubstantiated "findings" in the unsolved crime whose statute of limitations expired at midnight March 29.

Police, however, didn't identify the cult shooter. Shortly after the attack, an Aum member on the police force confessed and was investigated, but charges against him and other cultists were never brought.

Chizuo Matsumoto, more commonly known as Shoko Asahara, has been on death row for masterminding Aum's major crimes, including the 1995 sarin attack on the Tokyo subway system that left 13 dead and some 6,300 injured. (Kyodo News)

Shukan ST: April 9, 2010

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