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World News

Senior U.S. diplomat Richard Holbrooke dies

Richard Holbrooke, a brilliant and feisty U.S. diplomat who wrote part of the Pentagon Papers, and was the architect of the 1995 Bosnia peace plan and served as President Barack Obama's special envoy to Pakistan and Afghanistan, died Dec. 13, the State Department said. He was 69.

Calling Holbrooke "a true giant of American foreign policy," Obama paid homage to the veteran diplomat as "a truly unique figure who will be remembered for his tireless diplomacy, love of country, and pursuit of peace." Holbrooke deserves credit for much of the progress in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the president said.

Holbrooke, whose forceful style earned him nicknames such as "The Bulldozer" and "Raging Bull," was admitted to the hospital Dec. 9 after becoming ill at the State Department. The former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. had surgery Dec. 10 to repair a tear in his aorta, the body's principal artery.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called Holbrooke one of America's "fiercest champions and most dedicated public servants."

Holbrooke served under every Democratic president from John F. Kennedy to Obama in a lengthy career that began in 1962. (AP)

Shukan ST: December 17, 2010

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