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National News

Todai panel recommends fall enrollment

A University of Tokyo panel has proposed that the leading institution shift undergraduate enrollment from April to the fall in line with the international norm, sources said Jan. 18.

The proposal in an interim report sets the tone for further deliberations at the renowned university, locally known as Todai, which has been considering reforms to improve its competitiveness among the world's top-notch institutions. These usually begin their academic year in September or October.

Fall enrollment would help facilitate acceptance of foreign students, as well as study abroad programs for the university's own students.

If realized, however, the change from April would also have a significant impact on the nation's current college admission and job recruitment practices, as the school and fiscal year begin in April. Many universities have programs to admit students in other months as well as April. (Kyodo News)

Shukan ST: JANUARY 27, 2012

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