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National News

1st ibis chick born in wild since 1976

The first crested ibis chick has hatched in the wild in Japan since 1976 from an egg laid by a pair of the endangered birds on Sado Island, Niigata Prefecture, the Environment Ministry said April 22. If the chick develops without any problem, it is expected to leave the nest in about 40 days. The birds that produced the hatchling — a 3-year-old male and a 2-year-old female — were born at an ibis conservation center on the island in the Sea of Japan, released into the wild in March last year, and found to have built a nest March 16 this year. On April 23, the ministry said two more crested ibis chicks were found at a nest on the island. The confirmation of the additional chicks was made through the footage of a video camera set up at a spot close to the nest, it said. (Kyodo News)

Shukan ST: MAY 4, 2012

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