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National News

Kanzaburo, star of kabuki, dies at 57

Leading kabuki actor Nakamura Kanzaburo died of acute respiratory distress syndrome at a Tokyo hospital Dec. 5. He was 57.

Kanzaburo, who was also a popular actor in film, TV and stage dramas, made public in June that he had esophageal cancer. He had undergone surgery and had been receiving treatment since then.

Kanzaburo, whose real name was Noriaki Namino, was born in Tokyo, the first son of Nakamura Kanzaburo XVII. He made his debut in 1959 at the age of 3 as the fifth Nakamura Kankuro and became Nakamura Kanzaburo XVIII in 2005 in a name-succession ceremony.

Recognized for his outstanding theatrical skills, Kanzaburo won fame for his performances both as a tachiyaku male actor and an onnagata female impersonator.

Kanzaburo received the Medal with Purple Ribbon in 2008. (Kyodo News)

Shukan ST: DECEMBER 14, 2012

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