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National News

Yamanaka gets Nobel at Stockholm ceremony

Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University on Dec. 10 received this year's Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine, along with Britain's John Gurdon, for discovering that mature cells can be reprogrammed into immature cells capable of turning into any kind of tissue of the human body.

Yamanaka and Gurdon were given medals and diplomas from Sweden's King Carl XVI Gustaf, along with other Nobel laureates, at the annual awards ceremony in Stockholm Concert Hall.

Of this year's Nobel winners, Yamanaka, a 50-year-old professor, is the youngest. He received the prize only six years after developing induced pluripotent stem cells, which he named iPS cells.

"If I use a marathon metaphor, the ceremony is just the halfway point," Yamanaka, who is fond of running, said before attending the festivities.

"Like a marathon, the latter part is going to be tougher. So I continue to do my best," he said. (Kyodo News)

Shukan ST: DECEMBER 21, 2012

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