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World News

Apple sets record for company value at $624B

Apple is Wall Street's all-time MVP — that's Most Valuable Property.

On Aug. 20, Apple's surging stock propelled the company's value to $624 billion (49.5 trillion yen), the world's highest ever. It beat the record for market capitalization set by Microsoft Corp. in the heady days of the Internet boom.

After a four-month dip, Apple's stock has hit new highs recently because of optimism around what is believed to be the impending launch of the iPhone 5, and possibly a smaller, cheaper iPad.

Apple Inc. has been the world's most valuable company since the end of last year. It's now worth 54 percent more than the No. 2 company, Exxon Mobil Corp. (AP)

Shukan ST: SEPTEMBER 7, 2012

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