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No To Nukes!


India and Pakistan have recently disappointed the world by detonating their own nuclear devices under the guise of self-defense. Both countries claim it was necessary to test their nuclear capability because they need to protect themselves from unfriendly neighboring countries.

Unfortunately, the actions of these two countries have opened a Pandora's box — a box full of bad things to come. The recent, slow but steady trend toward a safer, nuclear-free world may have been changed irreversibly. The world is almost certainly a more dangerous place because of their decisions.

For one thing, the actions of India and Pakistan have heightened the sense of crisis in South Asia, which is already an unstable region. South Asian countries have never been on terms as friendly as those among Southeast Asian countries. In spite of the many cultural, political and religious differences among their citizens, Southeast Asian countries enjoy a mutually beneficial business and assistance relationship in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

South Asian countries don't have such a relationship and now it is even less likely that these countries will ever become good friends. In fact, there is now a much greater possibility of conflict in South Asia. India and Pakistan are at each other's necks because of the testing. Any minor skirmish, such as a shooting accident at a border, could end up turning into a regional war.

Second, the recent nuclear testings may prompt other countries that have been refraining from developing nuclear weapons programs to start doing so. Other countries can now claim that they must have nuclear weapons to defend themselves against the increasing number of countries that already have nuclear weapons. This is a vicious cycle.

The proliferation of such weapons could be very dangerous for the world. Some countries may not have adequate quality and security control or an efficient management system. In such cases, both the weapons and the plant for making such weapons would be potential sources of danger. Accidents might occur and any of these could easily become a serious disaster affecting other countries.

Other countries may use nuclear weapons for wrong purposes, such as conquering another country or revenging a wrong. Or they may sell their nuclear weapons to the wrong people — terrorists and dictators — for the right price.

Imagine what happens if terrorists get ahold of a nuclear missile and threaten to fire it at Tokyo or Osaka if Japan will not heed their ransom demands. Under such circumstances most governments would be practically powerless to defend their citizens.

The dangers of nuclear weapons cannot be overemphasized. The fewer we have, the better for the world

Japan has a special role to play in anti-nuclear weapons efforts since it is the only country that has experienced nuclear bombings. It is also one of the largest aid donors in the world. Both the Japanese government and Japanese citizens — in official, organizational or personal capacities — have the power to remind the world of the horrors of nuclear weapons and the tragedies that result. This opportunity should not be wasted at such a critical time!

Shukan ST: June 19, 1998

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