「ST」は紙名を新たに「Alpha」として2018年6月29日より新創刊しました。 Alpha以降の英文記事はこちら
「ST」は紙名を新たに「Alpha」として2018年6月29日より新創刊しました。 Alpha以降の英文記事はこちら

World News

Japan-born man denies founding bitcoin


The man Newsweek claims is the founder of the bitcoin denies he had anything to do with the digital currency.

In an exclusive interview March 6 with The Associated Press, Dorian S. Nakamoto, 64, said he had never heard of bitcoins until his son told him he had been contacted by a reporter three weeks earlier.

Since the birth of the bitcoin in 2009, its creator has remained a mystery. The person behind its founding has been known only as "Satoshi Nakamoto," but many thought that was a pseudonym for a group of people. (AP)


『ニューズウィーク』誌が仮想通貨「ビットコイン」の考案者だと報じた日系米国人、ドリアン・サトシ・ナカモト氏は3月6日、AP 通信にその報道を否定した。

The Japan Times ST: March 21, 2014


2018年6月29日号    試読・購読   デジタル版
