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U.S. Campus Life

Winning an award

By Masako Yamada

I've read somewhere that the Academy Award winners of any given year don't necessarily win their Oscars for what they have achieved in that year. If an especially deserving actor or director loses out by a narrow margin one year — or keeps on being nominated but never seems to win — the voters might try to compensate by favoring that person several years later.

That's the way I've felt this week. The Boston University Department of Physics gives out a "Teaching Fellow of the Year" award and I shared the award with another graduate student in the department. I received the certificate today, and will be getting a check in the mail soon.

This award is typically given to first-year graduate students, since most of the Teaching Fellows (TFs) are first-year students. They get paid for teaching undergraduate students. After graduate students complete a certain number of classes and exams, they can join research groups and get paid as Research Assistants. By the end of their second year, most graduate students complete their required classes and exams, so there are not many TFs beyond their third year.

So why was I, an ancient sixth year student, shaking hands with the Department Chairman in front of an audience? Well, I am actually a first-year TF. I was on a scholarship for the first five years of graduate school, so I didn't have to earn a living by teaching. The scholarship ended, so I've been teaching in order to supplement my income. Even though I should be a full-time Research Assistant, I knew it would be a good idea to get teaching experience, so I agreed to teach part-time.

I've been teaching a class of first-year undergraduates this year. I like my students a lot, and maybe they like me, but I will be the first to admit that I have not been the best of teachers.

Several of my favorite teachers are now good friends of mine, and I know a good teacher when I see one. I am not a good teacher. Too concerned with my own thesis work, I simply have not put in the kind of dedication that is necessary to be a good teacher. I can name plenty of TFs within my department who have done a better job of crafting lectures and nurturing students.

The question is how I came to win this award. Professors and TFs are evaluated by their undergraduate students at the end of each semester. This way, the teaching staff can get feedback. The scores are a way for the department to monitor the quality of their teaching staff. They can be used to negotiate salary, tenure and other benefits.

The "Teaching Fellow of the Year" award is granted on the basis of these evaluations, as well as via faculty voting. Last semester, I saw that my evaluation scores were decent but not outstanding. Therefore, I suspect that several faculty members must have pushed to nominate me.

I wouldn't have had such mixed feelings had I won a "Community Service Award" or "School Spirit Award." Heck, I wouldn't even have minded winning a "Miss Physics Department" award and wearing a gown and tiara. I believe I've been the most loyal fan of our department, and I would be proud to receive an award for that position. I've tried to participate in department affairs as much as possible, for instance, by organizing lectures and recruiting for events, making sushi and baking cookies for department parties and negotiating benefits for graduate students. I think I've done a good job as official cheerleader of our department.

Not too surprisingly, our department doesn't recognize such abilities. It's a Physics Department, and it only gives prizes for best TF and best student researcher. Since I'll be finishing up my thesis soon, I think the faculty members felt they should award me with "something" before I leave, and I certainly have not been the best student researcher!

Perhaps I shouldn't think of this all too seriously. I must admit, however, that I felt a little bit silly and a bit embarrassed standing in front of my classmates and professors and claiming this prize. I wonder whether this is the way Academy Award winners feel when they win belated acknowledgement for their accomplishments ...

Shukan ST: April 26, 2002

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