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Letter from Boston

One Phone Call


My friend Hana invited me out to dinner on the day that my last spring break guest left a Thursday and she kept on telling me that I looked sick. I was in perfect health, but I was almost grateful that she told me this, since it made me listen to how tired my body told me that I was. I slept for about 14 hours that night and I felt much better the following day.

On that Friday, I went home right after school. Even though the weekend was starting, I wasn't planning on doing anything with friends. That was the way I'd wanted it to be. I walked into my apartment, put down my bags and wandered into the living room. My roommate, Rebecca, was doing some kind of work on the sofa. We chewed the fat for a couple of minutes and then, as if she'd suddenly remembered, she said, "MASAKO, DID YOU LOOK AT THE BOARD!? YOU GOT A REALLY IMPORTANT PHONE CALL!!"

The "board" that she was talking about is the bulletin board in the kitchen where we all leave messages for each other. I'd walked right past it, so I hurried back to the kitchen. She continued yelling from the living room: "Oh my God, the guy was SO excited. He kept on saying, `Where is she? Do you know when she has her breaks? I have to schedule an interview and I really need to talk to her NOW,' so I told him that you were in class all day, but that he could probably reach you at 7 a.m. He's going to call you tomorrow."

The "guy" that she was talking about is someone from whom I've been waiting to hear for weeks. No, he's not some passionate lover of mine. He's a journalist for the magazine "The Economist" and he's also the person who is responsible for interviewing the potential summer interns. The magazine has one position for a "would-be journalist" in the science and technology section, and I'd applied for that slot. The initial round of the contest centered on a 600-word sample article, and I'd passed. Now, he was inviting me to go to Washington, D.C. to talk with him directly.

Although I knew that I could easily find a summer research position at BU, for some time, my eyes had been wandering elsewhere. The "Economist" internship, especially, seemed to beckon. All other options were a very distant second best. I had spent days writing that sample article and I was satisfied with what I'd written. I was happy to know that the judges were satisfied as well.

On the day before this phone call that is, the Thursday on which I felt so tired I had a casual, but very dark, lunchtime chat with the professor who is in charge of my scholarship. I told him that I was looking for a summer position elsewhere, and he told me calmly, but insistently, that my foremost concern this summer should be to study for my general physics exam. I knew what he was saying: my "break" from physics might last forever if I didn't pass that exam, since I'd be asked to leave the department.

I couldn't get the "Economist" internship out of my mind but I decided that I wouldn't apply halfheartedly to any other internship. I'd put all of my efforts into that internship, and if it didn't pan out, I'd put all of my energy into studying for the generals. This seemed to be a good compromise. My getting that phone call has brought me one step closer to my true goal.

This is the first time I've ever wanted a job so badly. I feel my heart beating whenever I think about it. I've barked at a boyish fax-machine operator to hurry up so my documents would reach the office as soon as possible. I've pulled out the business suits that have been sleeping in my closet. I've cut my hair short so I'd look more professional. I haven't felt this desire for anything entrance to college, a boyfriend, yummy food in a long time. I'm generally good at adapting to whatever comes my way, but this time around, I'm going after what I really want, and I don't want to back down. It's a good feeling.

Shukan ST: April 11, 1997

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