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A day of infamy


On Tuesday morning, the clear blue skies over America's East Coast were darkened by rising pillars of smoke and ash: over New York City, where two planes, just 15 minutes apart, crashed into the 110-story towers of the World Trade Cen ter, toppling both; over Washington D.C., where less than an hour later a third plane struck the Pentagon, the military nerve center of the United States, setting it afire; and over rural Pennsylvania, where in the same terrifying period yet another civilian airliner crashed in suspicious circumstances.

In a scenario more reminiscent of a video game or a disaster movie than anything the U.S. had ever experienced in real life, Manhattan was sealed off, the nation's capital was closed, every airport in the country was shut down and President George W. Bush was whisked to an undisclosed military destination.

Words failed many in the aftermath of the horrific terrorist attacks. Even officials who might have been expected to provide explanations remained almost silent for hours afterward. They included those in the multibillion-dollar U.S. intelligence community, which apparently did not see this intricately coordinated attack coming, and the security officials in Boston, Dulles International and possibly Newark airports, who had failed to stop armed hijackers from boarding four separate commercial flights. Mr. Bush himself, speaking briefly from Florida and later from unidentified sites in Louisiana and Nebraska, appeared tentative and overwhelmed.

The fact is that the coordinated attack on the world's financial center and political capital, unprecedented in scope and sophistication, caught the U.S. completely off guard despite a massive intelligence and law-enforcement network devoted to detecting and thwarting such attacks. Focusing largely on guarding against bombing threats to overseas targets, U.S. authorities concede they were ill-prepared for hijacked jetliners purposely crashed on American soil. Public criticism against this sort of complacency on the part of authorities seems likely to increase.

According to reports, former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich invoked memories of Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor when he declared Tuesday ``a day of infamy.'' Some other opinion makers were willing to spell out the implications of that phrase. Republican Sen. John McCain called the attacks ``an act of war,'' and former U.S. envoy Richard Holbrooke went so far as to say any nation found to have harbored or sheltered the perpetrators he was referring to Saudi Arabian terrorist Osama bin Laden and to the Taliban regime of Afghanistan should be held equally responsible for the crime, perhaps militarily responsible. The threat was unmistakable.

Despite the imperative for firmness and clarity, however, it is to be hoped that cool heads, not warmongers, will prevail. For in fact the Pearl Harbor analogy is off the mark. In that case, the perpetrator and its goals specific military goals were known; in this case, nothing comparable is known. There are only suspects and speculation. It is hardly feasible to declare war on a ``possible enemy.''

This does not mean that the U.S. can do nothing. It must do something to both punish those responsible and try to ensure that such a thing never happens again. The enormity of Tuesday's events will take a long time to sink in, but it is probably true that, as commentators said in the wake of the shocking terrorist attacks, Americans' lives will never be quite the same again. The stuff of nightmares briefly broke through into the real world, and will cause profound and lasting anxiety. The Bush administration should bear in mind that much, if not most, of the world is united in condemning this cowardly, unprovoked attack as a major crime against humanity. Any response, therefore, can only be strengthened by being planned and implemented on an international basis rather than unilaterally.

It will not be easy, but there is a place to begin. Mr. McCain and Mr. Holbrooke were merely echoing intelligence experts worldwide when they pinpointed bin Laden as the chief suspect in the attack. Members of his terrorist group were convicted in the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center, are implicated in the 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in West Africa and are suspects in last year's attack on the USS Cole in Yemen.

The U.S. will have the support of a majority of nations if, as expected, it redoubles its efforts to seek out those who are responsible for Tuesday's atrocity. It will not enjoy such support if it engages in bellicose and unfocused acts of revenge. In the meantime, though, it unquestionably has the sympathy of people everywhere, including the people of Japan, whose prayers go out for the dead, the injured and the bereaved.

The Japan Times: Sept. 13, 2001
(C) All rights reserved


     サンフランシスコ講和条約を成立させたのは太平洋戦争だけではない。50年6月、北朝鮮の韓国への攻撃で始まった朝鮮戦争は、攻撃の最終目標が日本であると判断した米国に行動を起こさせた。この戦争で、連合国による占領を終結させ、日本を主権国家として国際社会に復帰させる必要性が明らかになったのだ。 講和条約については日米間で短期間の交渉が行われ、他の当事者国は調印式に出席したものの条約の最終文書に調印するだけで、修正はできなかった。在日米軍基地の保持という米国にとっての重要問題を受け、講和条約調印の数時間後に日米安保条約が締結された。










The Japan Times Weekly
Sept 22, 2001
(C) All rights reserved

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