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A tough diplomatic challenge


In his first year in office, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi devoted most of his energy to promoting his economic-reform agenda. In doing so he demonstrated considerable leadership, supported by record public-approval ratings. In 2002, he faces an equally tough challenge on the diplomatic front. His current five-nation tour of Southeast Asia that began Wednesday will serve as the first test.

So far the prime minister has focused on relations with the United States, particularly since the post-Sept. 11 fight against terrorism began. That was only to be expected. But there is also a sense that his foreign policy has "tilted" too heavily toward the U.S. and lacks a broader perspective that reflects Japan's peace-oriented principles.

We live in a shrinking world, with national boundaries growing ever more porous, and people's lives becoming more and more affected by what happens outside their own countries. In this sense, the Koizumi reforms are an integral part of Japan's comprehensive efforts to promote regional and global stability and to build favorable relations with other nations. With his domestic programs getting down to brass tacks, it is important that the prime minister also deploy positive diplomacy along these lines.

The 21st century began with the imagination-defying Sept. 11 calamity, dashing hopes, if only temporarily, that the world would enter a century of peace. Determined to root out terrorism, the U.S. assembled a multilateral military coalition against Afghanistan. Now the worst of the Afghan crisis is past, at least militarily. But in other hot spots, such as the Middle East and Kashmir, the deadly pattern of violence begetting more violence lingers.

Sadly, charting a course for 2002 must take into account the threat of terrorism that grips international society, for it is impossible to carve out a hopeful future without removing the roots of terrorism. A concerted effort is required to eliminate this common threat to global security. Japan must take a positive part in this effort as a top foreign policy priority.

Force, however, is not the only way to combat terrorism. September 11 cemented an international consensus that terrorism can never be justified for any reason. That is why most nations have approved of the U.S.-led campaign in Afghanistan. U.S. forces may eventually capture Osama bin Laden and annihilate his al-Qaeda network, but that will not stamp out terrorism. A military sweep, however effective, provides little guarantee against the emergence of more bin Ladens and al-Qaedas.

To be sure, the heavy use of sophisticated military hardware has proven capable of defeating the terrorist forces in Afghanistan. The downside is that it could unnecessarily inflame anti-U.S. sentiments in certain states that are hostile to America, making them more sympathetic toward the terrorists. That brings us back to the fundamental issue: To eradicate terrorism, the problems that cause it in the first place must be addressed.

There are no easy solutions. The starting point is to identify the problems, such as widening economic disparities between rich and poor, and endless regional conflicts. The antiterrorism campaign, if it is to be truly effective, must focus on these underlying causes. Japan can best contribute in two ways: by providing financial and other assistance to help improve living standards in poverty-stricken countries and by making diplomatic efforts to prevent or resolve conflicts.

Building confidence with our Asian neighbors is also a top diplomatic priority for the Koizumi administration. Negotiations with North Korea to normalize relations are stalled. Prospects for a resumption of the talks have been further clouded by the gun battle that occurred late last year between Japan Coast Guard patrol boats and an unidentified vessel, presumably from North Korea. The incident, which resulted in the sinking of the ship, remains a mystery.

For Japan and China, meanwhile, this is a milestone year that marks the 30th anniversary of the normalization of relations. Relations between Japan and South Korea are entering a new era of exchange with the two nations set to cohost the soccer World Cup 2002. But the smoldering tensions over the history textbook issue and Mr. Koizumi's visit to Yasukuni Shrine continue to cast a shadow over Japan's ties with the two neighbors.

In 2001 Japan's diplomatic machinery virtually ground to a halt because of internal discord between Foreign Minister Makiko Tanaka and top ministry mandarins over the misuse of funds and other scandals. The situation now appears to be returning to normal, with Mrs. Tanaka gaining control over the bureaucracy. The time when the Foreign Ministry should have put its house in order and returned to its primary task of diplomacy has long passed.

The Japan Times: Jan. 10, 2002
(C) All rights reserved






The Japan Times Weekly
Jan. 19, 2002
(C) All rights reserved

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