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National News

Rumsfeld, Myers defend the Iraq war plan from growing criticism

U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff, strongly defended their Iraq war plan on April 1, saying it was more than adequate for the military campaign.

Twelve days into the war, Rumsfeld said the fighting strength of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's elite Republican Guards has been badly damaged by air and ground attacks, allied forces are moving on Baghdad from the south, north and west, and "the circle is closing."

But for nearly a week, Rumsfeld and Myers have been criticized by a number of active and retired military officers

These critics have said Rumsfeld's overwhelming desire to show off his vision of a fast, technologically advanced ground force had delayed deployments of heavily armed troops and pushed the military into fielding an army that has proven lean and overextended in a war that is likely to last longer than expected.

In a news conference at the Pentagon, Rumsfeld was unapologetic, at once defending the war strategy and saying it was created not by him but by the commander of forces in Iraq, Army Gen. Tommy Franks. "The plan is open and it's broad and it's flexible and it allows for all of those kinds of adjustments," Rumsfeld said.

Myers called the criticisms "bogus," saying they were uttered by people who "either weren't there, don't know, or they're working another agenda."

Myers added, "It is not helpful to have those kind of comments come out when we've got troops in combat, because, first of all, they're false, they're absolutely wrong, they bear no resemblance to the truth, and it's just harmful to our troops that are out there fighting very bravely, very courageously."

At the White House, presidential spokesman Ari Fleischer said U.S. President George W. Bush "has faith in the plan," and thinks that the plan is working.

Shukan ST: April 11, 2003

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