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National News

Schwarzenegger boots Gov. Davis out of office in California recall

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Californians banished Gov. Gray Davis just 11 months into his second term and overwhelmingly elected action hero Arnold Schwarzenegger to replace him Oct. 7 - a Hollywood ending to one of the most extraordinary political melodramas in the nation's history

"I will not fail you, I will not disappoint you, and I will not let you down," the victorious actor vowed

Voters traded a career Democratic politician, who became one of the state's most despised chief executives, for a moderate Republican megastar who had never before run for office. Davis became the first California governor pried from office and only the second nationwide to be recalled

Schwarzenegger was introduced to a delirious crowd at his campaign headquarters by Jay Leno on whose late-night show he announced his candidacy in August

"Everything I have is because of California," Schwarzenegger said, when claiming victory. "I came here with absolutely nothing, and California has given me absolutely everything. And today, California has given me the greatest gift of all - you have given me your trust by voting for me."

To the victor goes a spoiled American paradise - a state mired in economic troubles, awash with deficits, now governed by a Republican chief executive with no political experience and a Democratic legislature

Schwarzenegger prevailed despite negative publicity in the campaign's final days, surviving allegations that he had groped women and accusations that as a young man he expressed admiration for Adolf Hitler

The 56-year-old Austrian immigrant - and husband of television journalist Maria Shriver - finds himself in charge of the nation's most populated state with an economy surpassed by only five countries. He takes office as soon as the election results are certified, no later than Nov. 15.

Shukan ST: Oct. 17, 2003

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