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World News

Saitama Gov. resigns over funds scandal

Saitama Gov. Yoshihiko Tsuchiya submitted his letter of resignation to the head of the prefectural assembly July 14, after his daughter, Momoko Ichikawa, was arrested on suspicion of hiding more than ¥100 million in contributions to her father's political fund-managing body between 1998 and 2002.

Investigative sources said Ichikawa used the firm, Peach, as the receiver of funds disguised as consultancy fees from companies that supported the governor. She also used another firm, a market research firm based in Meguro Ward, Tokyo, called Plus T, to handle funds that were diverted from his political fund-managing body.

Investigators also suspect that Ichikawa also used her father's political clout to gather money from entities that supported her father to use as operating funds for her own companies and make up for losses on her stock investments.

Investigators are now trying to determine whether the governor was aware of his daughter's actions. Tsuchiya has repeatedly denied involvement in any wrongdoing.

It was also learned that from 2000 Tsuchiya's fund-management body asked industry organizations to make donations as individual contributions of less than ¥50,000. Such donations are not required under the law to be included in political fund reports.

Shukan ST: July 25, 2003

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