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National News

Bush hailed at Republican convention, 'Farenheight 9/11' director draws booing

NEW YORK (AP) - Republican National Convention co-stars Laura Bush and Arnold Schwarzenegger commended President George W. Bush as president for four more years Aug. 31, hailing him as a man of strength leavened by compassion.

"You can count on him, especially in a crisis," said the first lady.

"He's a man of perseverance. He's a man of inner strength. He is a leader who doesn't flinch, doesn't waver, does not back down," added the governor of California.

Schwarzenegger and the first lady took their turns at the Madison Square Garden podium as 2,508 delegates bestowed their nomination on the president for a second term in office.

Republicans met inside their heavily fortified convention hall as police made nearly 1,000 arrests in the surrounding streets on a day heavy with protests.

Filmmaker Michael Moore briefly took the spotlight at the convention after disparaging comments were made about his documentary, "Fahrenheit 9/11," which savages Bush.

Moore, who was seated in the press seats, seemed to enjoy the attention, laughing and saying, "Two more months," as delegates booed and chanted, "Four more years."

Asked later about the remarks, Moore said, "I can't believe they're dumb enough to bring up the film and help its box office."



Shukan ST: Sept. 10, 2004

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