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National News

Unidentified submarine seen near Okinawa

An Unidentified submarine briefly entered Japan's territorial waters off the Okinawa Islands early Nov. 10, and Maritime Self-Defense Force (MSDF) patrol aircraft were sent to track it.

Although some media reported that the Defense Agency believed it was a Chinese nuclear-powered submarine, government officials rejected such speculation and said it had yet to confirm the submerged vessel's nationality.

But a government source, speaking on condition of anonymity, did say later Nov. 10 it was highly likely the submarine is nuclear-powered, given its noise patterns.

The submarine was cruising submerged in Japan's territorial seas near the Sakishima Archipelago, some 400 kilometers from the main island of Okinawa Prefecture.

Under international law, a submarine must surface and raise its national flag while navigating in foreign territorial waters. However, this submarine had not done so.

The violation prompted Defense Agency chief Yoshinori Ono to order the MSDF to carry out a Maritime Security Operation, by which time the submarine had already left Japanese waters. (The Japan Times)

Shukan ST: Nov. 19, 2004

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