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National News

$26 billion bill coming Japan's way

WASHINGTON (Kyodo) — Tokyo will pay around $26 billion (¥2.98 trillion) or more for the overall U.S. military realignment in Japan over six to seven years, compared with Washington's share of $4 billion (¥458 billion), a senior Pentagon official said April 25.

Richard Lawless, deputy defense undersecretary for Asia and Pacific affairs, unveiled the figures at a news conference in Washington when repeatedly asked why the United States struck a compromise with Japan on sharing the cost for relocating 8,000 marines to Guam from Okinawa.

Japan agreed to pay $6.09 billion (¥688 billion), or 59 percent, of the $10.27 billion (¥1.17 trillion) total relocation cost through grants, investment and loans. The United States had asked Japan to pay $7.5 billion (¥860 billion), or 75 percent, of the earlier estimated cost of $10 billion (¥1.14 trillion).

"The only cost to the United States is $4 billion (¥458 billion) on Guam," Lawless said, arguing the deal was a "fairly struck bargain" in the broader context of Japan paying for all the costs for changes within Japan. This includes the relocation of the marines' Futenma Air Station in Okinawa, as well as its Guam share.

"It is their responsibility," Lawless told the news conference.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe reacted sharply. "It is an unbelievable sum of money," he said.

Shukan ST: May 5, 2006

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