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National News

Japan protests Russian attack on fishing boat

Japan launched a strong protest to Russia on Aug. 16 after a Russian patrol boat opened fire on a Japanese vessel, killing a fisherman.

The crab fisherman was shot in the head and killed near Kaigara Island, one of several islands northeast of Hokkaido that are administered by Russia and claimed by Japan.

Russian officials said Mitsuhiro Morita, 35, was killed by a warning shot at the fishing boat, which was "maneuvering dangerously" and tried to run into a Russian boat.

"They were not aiming (to kill)," Russian Deputy Ambassador Mikhail Galuzin said.

The three surviving crew members, who were not injured, were taken to a nearby island for questioning and will face criminal charges.

Japan says the boat was in Japanese waters, called the act "unacceptable," and said Russia must pay compensation and release the boat and surviving crew.

Russian officials expressed "regret" over the death but defended the patrol boat's actions, saying the Japanese ship had violated Russian waters and authorities had acted within their powers.

The four islands — called the Kurils in Russia — were seized by the Soviet army near World War II's end. Japan has demanded their return, and the issue has stopped a treaty formally ending wartime hostilities.

The islands are surrounded by rich fishing waters and are believed to have offshore oil and natural gas reserves, as well as gold and silver deposits. (AP)

Shukan ST: Aug. 25, 2006

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