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World News

Four die in cartoon-inspired riots

QALAT, Afghanistan (AP) - Police killed four people and wounded 11 on Feb. 8 as Afghans enraged over drawings of the Prophet Muhammad marched on a U.S. military base.

Muslims around the world have demonstrated over the images - including one depicting the prophet wearing a turban shaped as a bomb - first printed in Danish media. Islam is interpreted to forbid any illustrations of the prophet.

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice accused Iran and Syria of instigating protests in their countries, and U.S. President George W. Bush called upon governments to stop the violence and protect the lives of diplomats overseas.

The United States and other countries were looking into whether extremist groups may be inciting protesters to riots.

The riot in Afghanistan erupted despite an appeal from Afghanistan's top Islamic organization, the Ulama Council, for an end to the violence.

"We condemn the cartoons but this does not justify violence," a senior cleric from the council said. "These rioters are defaming the name of Islam."

Shukan ST: Feb. 17, 2006

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