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World News

Nepal's king gives in to opposition demands

KATMANDU (AP) — Tens of thousands of people filled Katmandu's streets to celebrate April 25 after Nepal's opposition called off weeks of bloody anti-monarchy protests that forced the king to restore Parliament

Maoist rebels declared a cease-fire and opposition leaders nominated a former prime minister to head the new government.

"The king, his army and their guns were no match against the strength of the people," said one protester, Sangita Karki, at a demonstration in Katmandu. "We won, he lost."

While thrilled King Gyanendra had restored Parliament, many demonstrators remain wary of the incoming political leaders. Most of them are from the core of Nepal's often-corrupt political clique.

"We are here not just to celebrate the king's defeat, but also to warn the leaders that if they betray the people, this very crowd will not leave them alive," said Shree Ram, another protester.

King Gyanendra dismissed an interim government 14 months ago and seized direct control over the government, saying he needed to bring order to the country's chaotic politics and crush the Maoists, who were preventing elections from being held.

Shukan ST: May 5, 2006

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