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National News

Serial killer Miyazaki hangs

Serial killer Tsutomu Miyazaki, 45, who abducted, molested and killed four young girls in Tokyo and Saitama Prefecture in 1988 and 1989, was hanged June 17.

Miyazaki mutilated and, in some cases, burned and ate parts of the bodies of his victims. He sent the remains of one victim to her family. He also recorded some of his victims — aged 4 to 7 — on videotape.

He was caught in 1989. He never apologized and said he had done "a good thing."

Justice Minister Kunio Hatoyama has now signed 13 execution orders since last August, the highest for one minister since executions resumed in 1993. (The Japan Times)

Shukan ST: June 27, 2008

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