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National News

Calderon couple exit Japan, daughter stays

An undocumented Filipino couple under a deportation order departed for the Philippines on April 13 from Narita International Airport, leaving behind their 13-year-old daughter, who was recently granted special permission to stay for one year.

The family had long been seeking special permission for residence for the entire family. But while the Justice Ministry granted their daughter special permission to stay, it refused to extend the permission to the parents.

In mid-March, the Filipino couple told immigration authorities that they would return to the Philippines in April, leaving behind their daughter, who was born and raised in Japan and who has strongly expressed her wish to stay and continue her studies.

They came to the decision to split the family out of fear that their daughter might also be detained and deported, according to the family's lawyer. (Kyodo News)

Shukan ST: April 24, 2009

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