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National News

Kids under 15 can donate organs

A bill to revise the Organ Transplant Law and scrap the donor age minimum at 15 gained full Diet passage when it cleared the Upper House on July 13.

The bill, known as Plan A, which won Lower House approval last month, allows brain-dead children under age 15 to be organ donors with the family's consent and recognizes brain death as legal death.

In a plenary session of the 242-member Upper House, the bill cleared the chamber by a 138-82 vote in just minutes.

The previous transplant law, enacted 12 years ago, forbids brain-dead people under age 15 from becoming organ donors. Supporters of Plan A had aimed to revise the law to increase the self-sufficiency of domestic organ availability, but some lawmakers argued brain death is too sensitive an issue. Brain death, according to Japan Organ Transplant Network, means an irreversible end to all brain activity. (The Japan Times)

Shukan ST: July 24, 2009

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