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National News

Sakai admits to drug use

Actress Noriko Sakai has reportedly told Tokyo police she started inhaling illegal stimulants last summer at the urging of her husband, sources said Aug. 9. She inhaled the drugs with her husband, Yuichi Takaso, the sources quoted her as telling investigators.

Sakai was arrested Aug. 8 on suspicion of possessing an illegal stimulant and allegedly admitted to the charge.

Shortly after the Aug. 3 arrest of her husband, she disappeared with their 10-year-old son. The son was later found safe in Tokyo in the custody of an acquaintance, but her whereabouts had been unknown until she turned herself in Aug. 8.

Investigators said the Metropolitan Police Department believes the 38-year-old Sakai hesitated to turn herself in because she panicked and did not really intend to evade the police. (Kyodo News)

Shukan ST: August 21, 2009

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