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World News

Irish vote approves EU treaty

Irish voters have strongly approved a 27-nation treaty that would reshape European Union (EU) institutions to make them more effective after a decade of eastward expansion, according to political leaders and the first partial results released Oct. 3.

Electoral officials said "yes" votes were outnumbering "no" in virtually all of Ireland's 43 constituencies — a total reversal from the country's stunning rejection of the Lisbon Treaty last year.

The Irish agreed to vote again after EU leaders offered key assurances designed to undermine arguments against the treaty. The EU dropped its plans to prune the size of the European Commission, a move that would have cost Ireland its right to hold a seat continuously on the EU's key executive body. Brussels also reiterated, in formal declarations appended to the treaty, that it would have no bearing on Ireland's taxes, military neutrality or moral codes. (AP)

Shukan ST: October 16, 2009

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