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National News

Hiroshima mayor wins Asian 'Nobel'

The three-term mayor of Hiroshima who spearheaded a global campaign for nuclear disarmament and a photographer who documented river pollution in his native China are among the 2010 winners of the Ramon Magsaysay Awards.

The awards announced Aug. 2 are considered Asia's equivalent of the Nobel Prize. Tadatoshi Akiba was three years old when an atomic bomb reduced Hiroshima to ashes. Wanting to keep the memory alive, Akiba started a travel grants program through which American and other journalists visited and listened to survivors of the attack.

As a lawmaker and later Hiroshima mayor, Akiba recognized that his city had the moral obligation to warn the world of the nuclear danger, the Magsaysay Award organizers said. He led a movement called Mayors for Peace that includes more than 4,000 cities in 144 countries. (AP)

Shukan ST: August 13, 2010

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