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After the Vote Is Over


The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) came close to winning a majority in the Lower House election on October 20. I found this de facto victory surprising in the face of the public's widespread dissatisfaction over such LDP actions as defending bureaucratic mismanagement, protecting companies involved in failed housing loan schemes, and summarily raising the consumption tax to 5 percent even without a concrete and well-planned allocation scheme for the additional revenue.

The LDP has always made clear where its main interests lie. It has continuously protected big business and other traditional power blocs at the expense of ordinary salaried workers. Now it's those workers who face heavier tax burdens and the prospect of reduced government services and benefits in the future.

It's hard for me to imagine citizens voting for anyone who does not put priority on the citizens' welfare particularly when the parties concerned are largely responsible for Japan's worst post-war economic recession and a daunting array of problems for future generations. But the results speak for themselves.

Many observers attribute the election turn-out more to voter apathy than to the strength of the LDP as a party. A significant number of voters were apparently disillusioned with politics, and they decided to stay away from the electoral process entirely. Other voters boycotted the elections because they believed that their efforts would not change the traditional power structure at all.

This is unfortunate because if there was ever a chance to radically improve Japan's outdated political structure, it was on October 20. The administration was almost in fear of the power of public sentiment over its past actions. But now, this recent LDP victory simply lets old-style politicians continue business-as-usual.

The election results are a fait accompli so there is little use in imagining what might have been. What every Japanese citizen must now do, however, is make elected politicians accountable for their pre-election promises.

Practically every successful candidate campaigned on vows of a new government and a reformed political system that would put priority on the needs of the people and stimulate the re-birth of a more ideal society. Many candidates specifically outlined reforms that they knew would be popular with the electorate, in order to win in their districts.

Voters must now make their representatives keep their promises, or politicians will think that promises made to voters can easily be broken.

A vigilant citizenry results in a conscientious government. Politicians and bureaucrats will make greater efforts to manage affairs wisely if they realize that the public is watching them closely.

So if you think your representatives are not living up to their campaign promises or are diverging from the principles they were elected on, call or write to their offices. Write a letter to the newspapers. Voice your opinions in public forums.

These may not be big steps, but they are a start in forming a more active public and eventually a better government.

National policies are decided by politicians and the bureaucracy, who are all being paid entirely out of your tax money. You have a right to have your opinions heard and to make those government officials accountable for good management on behalf of society. In many ways, the future is in your hands, so make use of it.

Shukan ST: Nov. 15, 1996

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