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Robot Mania


The other day I met a cat called Tama. It had soft fur and purred when I stroked it. Its meow was sweet and gentle, and its owner told me it never bites. The perfect cat, you might think — except that Tama is a robot, one of thousands on show at the 1999 International Robot Exhibition that took place in Tokyo recently. I have to say that Tama the cat gave me the shivers.

Japan seems very open to robots. Not only do Japanese companies lead the world in robot technology, but the Japanese public seems to me to lead the world in its acceptance of robots.

It started with robots in factories, and these are still the most widespread kind. But now there are also robot pets and robot convenience stores. Robots are seen as allies rather than enemies, as helpmates who will lighten the load.

But attitudes to robots in Europe are different. Few Europeans would imagine that a robot like Tama could be cute. We see robots as untrustworthy machines that might try and take over from their human masters. The European image is based mostly on science fiction films, the Japanese one, on cartoons and comics in which robots are often friendly.

In the next century, however, there is no doubt that robots will become more common. I met a knee-high personal robot the other day that could recognize people's faces and voices. It could deliver messages, turn electric machines on and off and dance to entertain its owner.

The robot is the idea of engineers at NEC and could be the next gadget to take off, if the success of Sony's robot dog Aibo is anything to go by.

Panasonic is also designing a robot cat whose purpose is to keep tabs on the elderly. The cat serves as a communication tool between an old person living alone and a help center, connected by computer. Again, the cat is cute and cuddly.

But I asked a group of senior citizens in Tokyo if they would like to own a robot cat. Nearly everyone replied no, saying real hu man communication can not be replaced. At the very least, they said, they would prefer a real cat for company. Only one man, the quietest in the group, thought the cat was a good idea. "I can imagine a time when I would really need it," he said.

The fact is that there may come a time when the country really needs robots. The rapidly aging society means that there is likely to be a shortage of younger people to care for the old. Robots could be one answer.

At the robot show, one company had a robot that delivered meals to hospital beds, while another was developing a robot that could feed people who can't eat on their own.

But I still feel that tender, loving care delivered by humans can never be replaced. A robot is a poor second to someone who knows you and can intuitively feel when something is wrong. But whether you feel warm, fuzzy feelings towards robots or you feel they are somewhat suspect, I am sure they will be part of our daily lives in the near future.

Shukan ST: Nov. 26, 1999

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