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The Tree of Life


It was only six short years since the boy murdered his mother and older sister. Now at 18, his sentence would be over in two days. Prison had not been kind to him and he looked much older than his years - hardened and cold. When I reached to shake his hand he clenched his fist as if to strike. My first thoughts were: "Put him back behind bars!" In June of this year, in Oregon, Rob (not his real name), his juvenile detention counselor Mark and I climbed a 40-meter sugar pine. Just before our ascent,we were surrounded by five policemen with their dogs. I was given a bulletproof vest and a stun gun "in case some of his old gang members show up unexpectedly."

For the past six years Mark worked with Rob to prepare him for a new civilian life after his sentence completion.Time had run out, and Rob wasn't ready. A tree climbing experience was Mark's last opportunity to connect with Rob.

During our ascent, Rob was cold and silent, concentrating on his climb. When we reached 20 meters, all of a sudden, he started to shake. He was very scared. I quietly reassured him, "As long as you stay in your harness and keep on your rope, you won't fall. Hold on to the tree trunk, feel her strength!"

As his hands hugged the huge trunk, his countenance seemed to relax. As we climbed, we talked slowly. We talked about trees and leaves and forests. Rob was impressed that the forest was a world in itself, with all of the plants and animals helping each other to survive.

When we finally reached the top he was sharing the exuberance and the excitement of the rest of us. It was his first climb and he had never been so high under any circumstances.

Mark seized this shared moment. "Rob, the world is full of new adventures and challenges, and society is like a forest. Everyone needs to help each other." Guilt and fear seemed to melt away as Rob responded, sharing his fears for the future.

After four hours and many tears, we left the treetop and headed for earth. As we descended , the circle of police could be seen through the lower branches.

When they saw Rob, one of them blurted out, "Hav' ya seen a ghost? You look different." Rob did look different. Some of the cold hardness had melted from his eyes and he did seem more relaxed. He shook our hands, and to me his eyes said thank you.

In Japan, juvenile crime is on the rise.Tragically, hideous crimes committed by youth are not rare. The Ministry of Education is calling for more counselors. I feel strongly that along with this counseling, youth need a chance to change their perspective and surroundings. They need to be challenged. Overcoming challenges helps build confidence and self-worth. I firmly believe that people who like themselves don't hurt others.

Native Americans call trees "standing people." Their belief is that if we are silent and listen, we will be taught great wisdom. As the head of Tree Climbing Japan I've had many opportunities to see the soothing effect that trees have on troubled youth.

Japan is one of the most forested nations in the world. Let's put this great resource to work to help our youth. Let's ask the standing people for help.

Shukan ST: Aug. 18, 2000

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