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'Winning' the World Cup

By Tony Laszlo

Congratulations! You have successfully made the transition from the Year of the Snake to the Year of the Soccer Ball.

This year, the FIFA World Cup will be hosted jointly by Korea and Japan. The daily matches, which last for a whole month starting on May 31, will be watched, literally, by almost half of the world.

For many fans, television is just not good enough. Take, for example, the case of one young man from Ireland. He went out of his way, he told me, to get a job in Japan last year, just so he could watch the games in the flesh. But do not expect to find him working while the competition is in session. Along with some 20 or so other Irish people employed at his company, he aims to take the whole month off, and to do whatever it takes to get tickets to the games.

Of course, this sort of behavior is not something limited to the Irish. Thirty-two teams are competing at 20 stadiums spread out over the Korean and Japanese landscapes. Hard-core fans from these countries as well as from non-competing countries are scrambling to figure out how to get to Daegu, Suwon, Ulsan, Sapporo, Oita, Miyagi and other cities whose stadiums are being used during the event. These enthusiasts will eat, drink, sleep and buy truckloads of memorabilia while they are here, as will sponsors, the media and the players themselves. In Japan alone, an overall economic boost of over E trillion is expected.

Seeing the governments and people of both of the host nations gearing up for the big event, I am confident that the logistical issues are being tackled and that the event will be a success. But will it be an outstanding success?

Being the first World Cup in Asia, people the world over are looking to this continent, some for the very first time. China, Korea and Japan are all in the competition. This is an excellent chance to showcase the Asian region, particularly the eastern part. Regional solidarity to rival NAFTA and the EU on the American and European continents does not have to begin with a common currency or trade block. It just might be ignited by a sporting event of this magnitude.

As the first co-hosts of a World Cup, Korea and Japan are truly in uncharted waters. This is a unique opportunity for the two countries to display spirit and cooperation hitherto unseen, improving their ties in the process. With the recent trade disputes, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's visit to the controversial Yasukuni Shrine and other disputes related to historical perceptions of Japan's colonial past, relations between the two countries have been shaky of late. Why not take advantage of the nature of this event to relieve stress and turn over a new leaf?

Perhaps representatives of both countries' Cabinets could get together to chase a ball around the field for a "friendly," the day before the World Cup opens in Seoul. For Japan, it would be good for Koizumi and Foreign Minister Makiko Tanaka to do a bit of ball-passing, anyway. And China could provide the referee. Regional relations could then be discussed during dinner Eover Korean barbecue, sushi and pan-fried dumplings.

Don't like that idea? Feel free to come up with your own. With adventurism and innovation, the people of Korea and Japan can elevate the World Cup to new heights. The ball is on your side. How far and where you kick it is up to you.

Shukan ST: Jan. 25, 2002

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