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Solely in my own dreams

By Roger Pulvers

The month of May marks 20 years since the death of one of Japan's greatest playwrights and poets: Shuji Terayama.

I first went to Shuji's legendary theater in Shibuya, Tenjo Sajiki, in 1969. The play was his "The Crimes of Dr. Garigari," the title of which is a play on words on the title of the famous German expressionist film, "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari." I was so taken with the theatrical images and poetic language of the play that I sat down and wrote my own first play. "The Perfect Crime of Mrs. Garigari" was published in Shingeki magazine in August, 1970.

After seeing his play, I met Shuji in the coffee shop beside the theater run by him and his mother. Subsequently I met him on a number of occasions - at his plays, film openings, etc. - but I cannot say that I knew him well. He was an exceedingly gentle fellow, soft-spoken and sensitive. I suppose, coming as he did from Tohoku (he spent his childhood in Misawa), and being prone to flights of the imagination's most bizarre fancy, I saw him as a successor to Kenji Miyazawa. In fact, Shuji not only borrowed heavily from Miyazawa but also wrote his own version of Miyazawa's short stories. He was also deeply influenced by another Tohoku poet, Takuboku Ishikawa; and his book, "Reading Takuboku," is, to my mind, the best introduction to Ishikawa's work.

Shuji was born in December 1935. His father was a military policeman who died of alcohol poisoning in Indonesia in 1945. His mother went to work at the American base in Misawa after the war. At age 18, Shuji was struck down with nephritis. He spent the next four years in and out of hospital in Tokyo and it was finally kidney disease that killed him on May 4, 1983.

He has also succeeded in achieving international acclaim for his plays, particularly in Europe, traveling with his troupe to the Festival of Fool in Amsterdam, where his following was wide and genuine. He directed films and wrote film scripts for other directors.

But perhaps he will be remembered most for his poetry, which is often about personal identity and love. In one poem, "The Problem Is," he writes:

The problem is

whether there is another little you inside you

it's as simple as that

And in "The Girl Who Became a Pencil":

The girl who became a pencil wrote the word "love"

with her whole body, day and night

But the girl who became a pencil

could not read that word herself

Because ...

a pencil has no eyes.

Shuji brought a Tohoku sensibility to his writing, one which is close to nature, one that creates a sense of longing and distance in a confined space. "I came to realize," he once wrote, "that the ends of the earth exist solely in my own dreams." This could just have easily been said by Miyazawa as well.

Shuji died at the age of 47, leaving us with this: "Don't put up a gravestone for me. My words will mark my grave. That's enough for me."

Shukan ST: May 30, 2003

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