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『The Japan Times ST』オンライン版 | UPDATED: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 | 毎週水曜日更新!   
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Topic du jour みんなの意見を聞かせて!

By Mina Hisada / 久田 美菜

週刊STオンラインに掲載された最近のニュース記事の中から話題性の高いものを一つ選び、そのニュースについて町の人々に意見を述べてもらいます。エンタメからシリアスなものまで、さまざまなジャンルについての町の声を音声つきで紹介していきます。「Topic du jour」とは:"du jour" はフランス語で「最新の、今最も重要な」という意味です。つまり、「今もっとも注目のトピック」というタイトルになります。

 Mina Hisada / 久田 美菜

Vol. 3: How do you feel about the decreasing number of Japanese students studying in the United States?

(アメリカで学ぶ日本人学生の数が減少傾向にあることに関して、どう思いますか? )


When I was a student at Texas State University from 1997-2001, We had a lot of exchange students from Japan. It was a really cool opportunity for cultural exchange and I learned a lot about Japan. Actually, most exchange students were from Japan. Maybe because of the recession, it's declined.

私がテキサス州立大学にいた1997−2001年は、日本からたくさん交換留学生が 来ていましたよ。その当時の留学生のほとんどが日本人でした。お互いの文化を学びあったり、私も色々日本について知ることができたり、本当にいい機会だったんですけどね。不況で減ってしまったんでしょうか。

Renee Riddle, Texas, U.S.


So, it's really ...I didn't know anything about that. I thought there were more people, more Japanese students i guess, because in Oregon, you know, especially with like Aoyama Gakuin, Waseda University and Akita Daigaku, we have a lot of students who go to Oregon from thoese universities so that's where met a lof of Japanese people at my university, because we have an agreement so there are lof of Japanese people come from thoes three schools to the U.S. So i didn't know it was decreasing. I thought it was maybe growing. So that's why I thought it was interesting.


Adrian B., university student, Oregon, U.S.


I think that, one of the reasons why the number of Japanese studying in the U.S. is decreasing, is that Japan's surrounding countries like China and Korea have made a lot of progress in various fields. This means that Japanese people may have good chances of finding a good job without going as far as the U.S., increasing Japan's friendly relations with thoese countries as well.


Andrea (Italy)


What I learned about Japan so far, it's not necessary for Japanese, who want to climb the career ladder to know English.




Well, it is a little surprising that number of Japanese studying abroad is decreasing. But, I've heard that it is more difficult to get a job graduating a collage in U.S. than graduating a college in Japan and also if you graduate in the U.S., you will have to find jobs available in Japan all by yourself, though if you graduate in Japan, the school will be able to help you. So maybe that could be one of the reasons (that) less Japanese study in U.S. colleges.


Aya S., 15, Japan


In my opinion, the reason why the number of Japanese studying in the U.S. has been dropping is because such experience is not considered important in Japanese society. While most other Asian countries "look up" to America, Japanese put themselves at an "equal" position. Japanese surpised me for their confidence in their country. Maybe that's why nowadays Japanese students do not think studying abroad is not extremely helpful.


Catherin (Taiwan)


I am not sure for certain if the number of Japanese students studying in the U.K. is increasing, however, with the strong Yen and the weak pound, I would think that it is becoming more attractive.


Thomas (U.K)


Although I cannot be sure about the real figures, I read that the number of Japanese students going to Italy to study has increased in the last decade. I've always noticed many Japanese living in my city, Milan. and besides the study of the Italian language, the main reason is attending the highly-qualified fasion and design school Milan has.


Francesca (Italy)


I'm 27 years old. When I was a junior high school student, most of my friends who decided to go abroad chose the U.S. But because of recession and also to master British English, lots of my friends choose to go to the U.K. rather than the U.S.


Miwako Hori (Japan)



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