英語学習サイト ジャパンタイムズ 週刊STオンライン
『The Japan Times ST』オンライン版 | UPDATED: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 | 毎週水曜日更新!   
  • 英語のニュース
  • 英語とエンタメ
  • リスニング・発音
  • ことわざ・フレーズ
  • 英語とお仕事
  • キッズ英語
  • クイズ・パズル
  • 留学・海外生活
  • 英語のものがたり
  • 会話・文法
  • 週刊ST購読申し込み

『世界の英語教室 (小学校)』[フィンランド編] 小学生の英語 New!

Hello from Finland! (フィンランドからこんにちは!) By Mina Hisada/Illustration by Puri & Harumi Kakeru
フィンランドといえば、皆さんは何を思い浮かべるだろう。サンタクロース? ムーミン? 森と湖? 先端技術?(←確かに! 世界的に有名な通信機器メーカー NOKIA はフィンランドから生まれているのだから)だが、最近では「教育」を思い浮かべる人も多いのではないだろうか。この国では高度なIT技術や特色ある外国語教育など、グローバル社会で生きていく上で欠かせない分野で高い評価を受け、その質の高さから、世界中の関係者の注目を集めているのだ。今回は、現地の小学校に通うニコラス君(9歳)を通して、フィンランドの、主に外国語教育を中心に、現状を探ってみたい。

(What's the first thing that leaps to mind when you think of Finland? Santa Claus? Moomin? Forests and lakes? IT technology (NOKIA is from Finland!) ? Some people might also associate Finland with education. Advanced IT technology and foreign-language learning are two indispensable elements of living in a globalized society. Finland provides both of these at a high level that has attracted much attention from foreign media. So, let's explore Finnish language education by talking to 9-year-old Niklas who lives in Finland.)

小学生の英語 第5回目の今回は、


"Hello from Finland. My name is Niklas"

☆フィンランドは、実は日本から一番近いヨーロッパの国だ。首都ヘルシンキまで直行便で9時間半。 国土の70%が森林で、森と湖の国として知られている。よくフィンランド人が自分たちを「suomi(スオミ)」と呼ぶが、これはまさしくフィンランド語で「湖や沼のある大地」を意味する。人口は約500万人。公用語はスウェーデン語とフィンランド語だが、これはかつてスウェーデンの植民地だった名残とみられる。普段耳にするのはフィンランド語だ。

(Finland is the closest European country to Japan. It takes about nine-and-a-half hours to get there by direct flight to Helsinki. Seventy percent of the land is forested and the country is famous as being 'the country of forests and lakes. The Finnish call themselves 'SUOMI', which means "the people of the land of lakes and swamps" in Finnish. The population of Finland is about 5 million. Their official languages are Swedish and Finnish. This is because Finland was once colonized by Sweden. However, the language you hear most in Finland is Finnish.)

今日のお友達:フィンランドのニコラス君(9 歳)
(Today, we have here Niklas , who is 9 years old.)


小学生の英語 ニコラス — Niklas.
(My name is Niklas.)


小学生の英語 ドナルドダック
(My hero is "Donald Duck.")


小学生の英語 いい国だよ。僕が生まれた国なんだ。
(It's a nice country. I was born there!)


小学生の英語 ドナルドダックコレクション (My treasures are Donald Duck.)

小学生の英語 小学生の英語

小学生の英語 アイスホッケーのチームでプレーすること
(My dream is to play in an ice hockey team.)


小学生の英語 ミートボールとフライドポテト
(My favorite food is meat balls and fried potatoes.)


小学生の英語 美術
(My favorite subject is art.)


( I started English at elementary school, at the age of nine.)

小学生の英語 小学生の英語 小学生の英語 小学生の英語
(Can you guess where am I? I'm in the school playground in winter!)
(森の様子- ちょっと歩くと、すぐ森があります)
(Walk in any direction and you'll soon come across a forest.)
(冬の校庭 その2)
(Another photo of the school playground in winter)
(A market in Helsinki)

A typical day for Niklas)(^o^)丿



(This is our classroom.)

(This is our school.)

みんなで協力して、みんなで勉強します(This is our our classroom. We all study together and help each other learn.)
8:00-9:00 体育(Sports)
9:00-10:00 フィンランド語(Finnish)
10:00-11:00 美術 (Arts)
11:00 -12:00 宗教(Religion)
12:00-13:00 算数(Math)
13:00-14:00 英語(English)
でも、算数英語 の時間は二つのクラスに分けられるよ。
(The number of students in each class is 25. )
(But it's divided into two smaller classes for mathematics and English. )

(Thursdays are a little bit special. Because …)
(School finishes in the morning.)

★勉強が遅れ気味でも補講クラスがあるから大丈夫! 先生が分かるまで面倒を見てくれる。 先生がこれでOK! と判断したら、 元のクラスに戻れる。ちなに、フィンランドに塾はないんだよ。
(My teacher always takes good care of us. If we can't keep up, there are extra classes after school. We have to take these extra classes until the teacher says we don't have to take them any more. There is no cram schools in our country.)

(Classes are 45 minutes long in Finland, like in Japan. There are 15-minute breaks between each class.)

(How do Finnish kids master English?)

(Here are some textbooks used by elementary school students, courtesy of Tommi, Takako, and Jukka-sensei. Thank you for your cooperation, Uemura-san and Tokiko-san!)


(The characteristics of Finnish English)

  小学生の英語 (教科書の中身その3)

小学生の英語 (教科書の中身その4)
■(図書館で)「うさぎのことを調べたいのだけれど…」 「じゃあ、パソコンを使ったら?」(動物について実際に自分で調べてみよう、という内容です)

小学生の英語 (教科書の中身その5)

(教科書の中身その6 )


特徴 (Characteristics )

☆★特徴1(Characteristic 1)☆★

(They tend to read English, like Japanese read romaji.)

For example, they would pronounce "image" as "i-ma-ge" Example) IMAGE image

(Finnish uses the Roman alphabet, but is read like the Japanese read romaji.)

☆★特徴2(Characteristic 2)☆★

☆ アクセントが平坦になってしまう
(Flat intonation)

※ フィンランド語はいつでも単語の最初の母音にアクセントを付けるため。
(In Finnish, the accent always comes at the beginning.)

☆★特徴3(Characteristic 3)☆★

☆ 彼?彼女?(He? Or She? )

※フィンランド語では、He もSheも同じ言葉で表される (注)ため、英語を話すときにHe とSheを混同してしまうことがある。例えば、ボーイフレンドの話なのに、"She"で話してしまっていることも…!
(In Finnish, there is no difference between he and she(※). Sometimes, it can be a bit confusing, particularly if you're talking about boyfriends and girlfriends.)

(※ He or she is referred to as 'Haen" in Finnish.)

☆★特徴4(Characteristic 4)☆★  

(They tend not to use articles.)  

※フィンランドには冠詞がないため (Because there are no articles in Finnish)

☆★特徴5(Characteristic 5)☆★

☆ thの発音が苦手( Weak point is 'th')   ※thの音が元々フィンランド語にはないため、tの発音になってしまう。 (There is no "th" sound in Finnish, so they end up pronouncing it "t".)

例)three tree
Example) three tree

(General information on public elementary schools in Finland)

(How many students are there in a class?)
(When do you start learning English?)
9歳からスタート。 だが強制ではなく、英語のほかに、ドイツ語、フランス語、ロシア語、スウェーデン語の中から外国語を選ぶことが出来る。 98%の児童は英語を選ぶ。
(At the age of nine. Students can choose one language from among English, German, French, Russian, and Swedish. Ninety-eight percent of them choose English.)
(Is English education from an early age encouraged by the government?)
英語だけでなく、「外国語教育」全般を奨励している。 (Yes. They encourage not only English, but "foreign languages" in general.)
(On average, how many hours each week does elementary school students study English?)
グレード3&7(9歳から13歳) 2時間
(Two hours from grade 3 & 7)
グレ−ド 8&9(14歳から15歳):3時間
(Two hours from grade 8 & 9)
(Are most people interested in English education in Finland?)
(Yes. )
(Are there many English cram schools in Finland?)
(No there aren't.)
(Are the English teachers native speakers?)
(No, they are Finnish.)
(Are there foreign students? If so, where are they from?)
(Yes. Especially from other countries in EU, Russia and China.)
(English may become a compulsory subject at elementary schools in Japan. What do you think about that?)
いいと思う。 英語はメジャーな言語だから、早くから子供が接する必要があると思う。
(It's a good thing, because English is a major language. It's necessary to learn it from an early age.)
(What is Finnish's literacy rate?)
(It's 100%)

Vox populi

小学生の英語 フィンランド人が見た小学生の英語教育
(Niklas's mum, Marrita, teaches English and French at an elementary school. Let's hear her opinions on English teaching.)

小学生の英語 <英語は押し付けではなく選択制・クラスの人数は半分に>
English should not be a compulsory subject; class sizes should be kept to a minimum


(It is evident that all languages have their own intonation and rhythm and it takes some time to learn them. As children in Finland start to study their first foreign language in the 3rd grade (at the age of 9), they learn to pronounce rather well. Furthermore, the emphasis of teaching is on oral expression, so they practice a lot of speaking in classroom. The group size is relatively small, usually a class that has about 25 pupils is divided into two groups for the English lessons. So, everybody gets a chance to speak and express themselves and the teacher has time to pay attention to possible mistakes or shortcomings. )

The difference of grammar

(In terms of grammar, English and Finnish are totally different. Finnish has no article, and it's one of the difficult points for Finnish children to learn English. Especially 'the' seems very hard for them. Let's introduce a sentence which my son, Niklas, has written.
(Note: There is no article!)

There is monkey in zoo.

About the pronunciation

英語はフィンランド語に比べてやわらかく聞こえます。フィンランドの子音はドイツ語ほどかたく聞こえませんが、日本語よりは少しかたく聞こえるかもしれません。ということは、フィンランド英語もかたく聞こえるということになるかと思います。子供たちのなかには、"Sue" "shoe"、"zoo" をすべて同じSという発音ですませてしまう子供もいます。フィンランド語のSには二つの発音しかないので、最初の"Sue" と "shoe"をきちんと発音できたとしても、三つ目の"zoo"をきちんと発音できなかったりします。

(English sounds softer than Finnish. Finnish consonants are quite hard; not as hard as in German but maybe a little bit harder than in Japanese. That makes "Finnish English" sound hard, too. Sometimes different s-sounds cause problems as well like in the words Sue, shoe, zoo ? quite many children would pronounce them with a similar s-sound, and even if some could manage to pronounce two different s, the third one would definitely be a problem, as we have only two different s-sounds in Finnish.)

Exposure to real English


(As I mentioned above, the first foreign language starts in the 3rd grade. Children usually study English 2 hours/week for the first 5 years, and then 3 hours/week for 2 years. TV, radio, movies and these days computers and computer games are a great support for learning English as most games are in English and the programs on the Finnish TV as well as movies are broadcasted in their original language - people hear English almost constantly.)

小学生の英語 日本在住のフィンランド人から見た日本の小学生英語教育とは?
(Anne lives in Japan with her Japanese husband.)

小学生の英語 <放課後の過ごし方-フィンランド編>
After school in Finland


(In Finland, many parents share the opinion that children should be able to finish their homework in about an hour, leaving the rest of the day for playing with other children or spending time for hobbies and interests not related to their schooling. This, according to their beliefs, gives the children broader perspectives, gives them time to digest what they have learnt at school, or perhaps even gives them a chance to put the theories they learned at school into practice. )

<放課後の過ごし方- 日本編>
After school in Japan

(塾については、「世界の英語教室(小学校)」[日本編]のPart 5「人々の声」、冠君のお母さんのコメントを参照してください。)
(For your reference,click here . Read Kan's mum comment on 'Juku' , at Part 5.)


(In Japan, however, the school children spend a big part of their after school hours in voluntary schooling, attending different prep schools, i.e., "juku", that are said to preparing them for entrance examinations for the next level of schooling. When talking about school, both the Japanese parents and school children keep using the word "gambaru" or "issyokenmei" and there is a sense of responsibility or pressure to their school life, even though these school children are still very young children. )

The ads in the subway and newspapers

英語教育に関しても、上で述べたようなことがいえると思います。フィンランドでは、子供たちは学校でしか英語を勉強しません。子供をターゲットにした語学学校はもちろんのこと、大人をターゲットにした語学学校もありません。しかし日本では、新聞を広げれば必ず英語の語学学校(英会話スクール)の広告が目に付き、それは地下鉄に乗ってもやはり同じことです。このことだけをみると、まるですべての日本人が英語を上手に話すのではないか? と思ってしまうほどです。

(When it comes to English education, the above-mentioned point still holds true. In Finland, school children study English only at school. English language schools targeted at young kids are virtually nonexistent, nor are there many schools for the older generation, either. In Japan, you can not read a newspaper or get on the subway without your eyes catching ads for English language schools. The number of different English schools is so great that you might think it would result in all Japanese becoming good English speakers.)

The quality of teachers


(How do the Finns then learn to become good English speakers? The first reason, I would have to say, is the quality of teachers: In order to be qualified for an English teacher in elementary school in Finland, one needs a higher university degree, equivalent to MA. Because of severe competition for the university entrance, only the best students are chosen to enter universities. Therefore, when enrolled in university and starting English language studies, the students already speak fluent English, many of whom speak even with flawless pronunciation.)

No. of hours spent on English


(Secondly, I believe we offer more hours of English per week to our children than the Japanese schools do. Repetition is a key in any learning, but it becomes especially important with language learning as schoolchildren generally do not have natural encounters with language in their everyday life. In the case of biology, however, when children learn about plants, they can see plants in the nature and probably find some resemblance to what they have just learnt in the classroom.)

The value of subtitles


(More importantly, I believe a lot of credit goes to Finnish television broadcasting. In Finland, we customarily use subtitles instead of dubbing when broadcasting English language programs. In that way, English language enters the living rooms of almost every school girl and school boy every day. When you repeatedly hear spoken English, it will help you to learn better pronunciation and to hear the differences of close-but-different sounds. )

Japanese should be more confident in their English

日本に住み始めて7年がたち分かったことは、日本人はかなりの英語力を持っているということです。ただ、英語を使う「自信」や「コミュニケーション能力」に欠けているということだけだと思います。この大きな原因の一つに、「発音」が挙げられるのではないかと思います。ただ、英語をうまく話すようになるのに何もネイティブのような発音を身に付けている必要はないと思います。ひとつ気を付けてもらいたいのは、カタカナ英語のまま発音してしまわないこと。 英語からきている外来語やカタカナの発音をそのまま言ってしまうと(例えば、club を「クラブ」、あるいはtextを「テキスト」など)、相手が日本語を知っている人でない限り、なかなか通じにくいでしょう。カタカナ英語は日本人が英語を話す際に、大きなネックになっている原因の一つだと思います。コミュニケーションをとることは、その言語を学んでいこうとするより大きなモチベーションになるため、もしそこでつまずいてしまったら、せっかくのやる気がうせてしまうというものです。

(After living in Japan for seven years, I have come to realize that many Japanese actually have a good knowledge of the English language, but they just lack the confidence or ability to communicate in English. I believe a lot of it has to do with the lack of knowledge of proper English pronunciation. I do not think that it is necessary to have a pronunciation close to that of a native speaker in order to become a good speaker of English. But at the same time if you try to communicate with a foreigner, saying ku-ra-bu instead of "club" or te-ki-su-to instead of "maintext", you are doomed to fail, unless the person you are talking to happens to understand Japanese. I think "katakana English" is one of the biggest obstacles for Japanese people to communicate in English face-to-face. Communication is the very thing that gives you the meaning and motivation to study further. If you stumble on that, you will find it very difficult to come up with a good reason to continue studying further.)

小学生の英語 Piaさんは愛知万博のため日本に来日中。彼女の語る英語教育とは?
(Pia is in Japan for Aich Expo. What's her English education?)

A internationally top-class educational system


(Education in Finland has gained a lot of attention in Japan lately, and no wonder since it is considered to be the best in the world. Especially in the field of language education, there is much the Japanese schooling system could learn. )

Kindergartens using foreign languages


(Study of foreign languages starts early in Finland. When I attended elementary school in the early '90s, most of the children began their first foreign-language classes at the age of nine when they were in the third grade. Nowadays, it is getting more and more common for the children to attend a kindergarten where only a foreign language is used. )

Practice makes perfect

日本の語学のクラスと比べてみて(といっても 東京の中学校をいくつか見ただけですが)、口頭練習がフィンランドでは重点的に行われていると思います。まず最初に習うことはあいさつと自己紹介です。文法やボキャボラリーは勉強を進めていくうちに自然に身に付いてくるものです。

(In comparison to Japanese language classes - I have only seen a few in a junior high school in Tokyo - in Finland, speaking skills are emphasized. The first thing one learns is to greet and introduce oneself. The grammar and vocabulary naturally come into the picture as one progresses with one's studies.)

The ability to actively participate in discussions


(Putting more emphasis on the development of speaking skills in foreign languages is something I think the Japanese schooling system could learn from the Finnish one. In my opinion, very many Japanese are skillful and competent, for example, in the grammar of English but lack the capability to discuss things in that language. )

小学生の英語 フィンランド通の日本人から見た小学生の英語教育とは?
(Mr.Hattori has once studied in Helsinki. He is familiar with Finnish society. What is his opinion?)

小学生の英語 <フィンランドの外国語教育について>
On Finland's foreign language education system


(The origin of Finnish is a lot different from other European languages. For example, Finland's neighbor, Sweden and Russia, have languages that are very different to Finnish, as different, say, as Japanese and English. Besides, its population is only about 5 million people. Hence, the language itself is of minor importance on the world scene. In Finland, the children start going to schools around the same age as Japanese children, and they have a compulsory six years at elementary school and three years at junior high school. English is taught from grade 3, and Swedish - which is the second official language of Finland - at junior high school. They can also choose another foreign language at high school. As you can see, Finland's government is making a great effort in foreign language education. Lots of TV channels and other entertainment come from other European countries or the United States. Finnish children are used to hear foreign languages through television and film, which are always subtitled and never dubbed.)

What can we learn from Finland?


(Because of their small size, classes are more intense and effective. They also learn not only American and British English, but also other foreign accents, such as Scottish, Jamaican or Chinese English. The children also have less difficulty learning foreign languages because of their early age.)

English may become a compulsory subject at elementary schools in Japan. What do you think about that?


(Basically, I think it's a good idea. However, if its aim is to nurture an internationally minded person, then I think children should have the chance to learn other languages from an early age too. This could be a stepping stone to learning a second foreign language at junior high school. You see, when the Japanese thinking of learning a foreign language, they tend only to think of learning English, but we have to be aware that English is just one of many languages in the world.)

小学生の英語 フィンランド通の日本人から見た小学生の英語教育とは?
(Yoshie has been living in Switzerland with her Finnish husband and son. What is her opinion?)

小学生の英語 <放課後の「自由参加英語クラス」はどうでしょう?>
What do you think of optional extra-curricular English classes for students who want to learn English?


(I heard that Japan is seriously considering whether English should become a compulsory subject at elementary school or not. Personally, I think the best way of learning a foreign language is through listening to it and using it as much as you can, and children might be averse to English if it's a compulsory subject with lots of homework. On the other hand, the number of children returning from abroad is growing and there are more opportunities to learn English at an early age. So what about offering optional extracurricular English classes to children? They could be held after school, and open to everybody, of all grades. There is no homework, no sense of compulsion ? only fun and curiosity and they could study it in a more natural environment. It doesn't sound bad.)

Finland and English education


(My husband told me there was a time that English was taught from junior high school in Finland. In those days, classes focused on grammar and translation. Now, it's changed its focus to reading, listening, as well as writing. Grammar content was reduced to about a quarter of what it used to be. The reason for this is that you can have a conversation without perfect knowledge of grammar, and also it might be difficult for children to learn gramMarch)

Why a foreign language education is on focused in Finland?


(The population of Finland is only about 5 million people, so it's absolutely necessary to learn a foreign language there. Before, it was Swedish which people had to learn from grade 4. English has now replaced Swedish. It seems to me that the starting point for learning English in Finland is different to Japan. The grammar of Finnish is different to English grammar, but at least it has the same alphabet. This can save a lot of time. I think the Japanese have to be more aware that it will take them longer to learn English than other countries that use the same alphabet and so make more of an effort to create an environment in which they can be more exposed to the language itself.)

About my son


(My son, who is going to turn to six, must master three different languages. He speaks Japanese with me, and Finnish with my husband. As for German, I didn't force him to study it. Instead, I tried to offer him an environment where he can listen to German and use it. So far, he has been learning three language with no problem. Recently he even began speaking Swiss-German. Born half Japanese, half Finnish, he might have some problems in terms of identity and nationality, and he has a long way to go before he masters all these languages. As his parents, my husband and I are doing our best to help him.)

(Finnish Educatioal System)


(At the age of seven, every Finnish person goes to elementary school. It's required by law that all children go to the school between the age of seven and 17.)

(Foreign language education is flourishing in Finland.)
(At the age of nine, they choose their first foreign language. However, 98% of them choose English.)

(By the time they complete their compulsory education, they will have mastered three foreign languages.)

(※ It's because they study a second foreign language at junior high school and another one at a senior high school. They have the option of learning a fourth as well.)

(No distinction between elementary school and junior high school. )

It's called (SOGOGAKKO in Japanese, and PERUSKOULU in Finnish.)

("Immersion"-style education is used at some school. For example, mathematics and science are taught in foreign languages.)

(※「イマージョン教育」については「世界の英語教室(小学校)」[番外編] http://st.japantimes.co.jp/special/lesson/la20050111a1.htm を参照してください)
(For more on the "immersion"-style system, click here!)

(Now, let's have a look at Finland itself.)     

(The Finnish prefer silence. They'll just stare at you while you talk.)

(This can unnerve some foreigners. But when they stare into your eyes that means they are interested in your story.)



(When you say Finland, I think saunas. Even apartments have a common sauna.)
(Reading a book to the child)

(The Finnish love books. It's not unusual to see dad read a book to his kid.)
(He or She? )

フィンランド語では、He もSheも同じ言葉で表される(注)ため、英語を話すときにHe とSheを混同してしまうことがある。例えば、ボーイフレンドの話なのに、"She"で話してしまっていることも…!
(In Finnish, there is no difference between He and She(※). Sometimes, it's happen that the story of BF turns to "She"…)
注:その言葉は"Haen"といいます。 (※ It's called 'Haen" in Finnish>)

A typical year for a Finnish kid



8月( August) 9月(September) 10月(October) 11月
(Entrance ceremony & beginning of the autumn term)
Autumn (We go look for nuts and berries in the forest.)

(October - Autumn vacation for one week.At the end of October, it's already snowing.)

(November - Parents, teacher, child meeting. Father's day is in November in Finland.)
12月(December 1月(January) 2月(February) 3月(March)
(National Day & two-week Christmas Vacation)

(The sun is only up for about three hours each day around this time of year.)
(Beginning of spring term)

(Sometimes, the temperature falls to -20 or -30. degrees Celsius. We enjoy skating on the lake and skiing in the forest!)

  (Beginning of the skiing vacation for 1 week.)

(Our family enjoys doing winter sports.)


(The aurora season)


4月(April) 5月(May) 6月(June) 7月(July)
(Easter vacation for four days)
(Mother's Day)
(End of the autumn term & beginning of the summer vacation)
(Night of the midnight sun)


Photo courtesy by Jukka Kallioinen

(Why 'Finland?)
「小学校の英語教育のことで、今度フィンランドを取り上げようと思うんだけど」―こう尋ねると、あるドイツ人ジャーナリストはこう言った。「それはいいね。だってあそこが一番進んでいるから」。 その英語教育に対する評価の高さは聞いてはいたが、フィンランドと同じEUに加盟する国の人物が言った言葉に真実味を感じた。かくして、フィンランドの英語教育事情について実際に調べてみることになった。
("I'm going to do a feature on Finnish for a column on English education at elementary schools," I said to a German journalist. He said to me 'That's good. It's the most advanced country for that." This comment, which came from someone from the EU, struck a chord in me. And so, I started my research.)

(The motto of Finland)

「国の財産は木材と人材です」とはっきり言い切るこの国の姿勢は、その教育システムによく表れている。フィンランドの教育システムを調べれば調べるほど、「人を人として最後まで見捨てない、人としての温かさに基づいたシステム」であることが分かる。できない子供にこそ手を差し伸べるその教育制度に、多くの国々が学ぶ必要があり、だからこそ毎年世界各国からこの国の教育を学びに関係者が視察に訪れるのだろう。フィンランドの学校には心のケアをするカウンセラー、体のケアをする保健婦がいたり、また、先生・保護者・生徒によるユニークな三者面談(注)が行なわれている。(注:フィンランドでは、小学校から先生と保護者に生徒を交えた三者面談がある。生徒はこのとき、自分の長所や短所を言い、先生と保護者とこれからどのように勉強をすすめたらよいかを話し合い、 その子供自身の目標を立てる。
(A Finnish politician once said, "Our fortune lies in our trees and our people." Take one look at Finland's education system and you can see that this true. This system has a policy of never abandoning the children. That's the reason why so many teachers from all over the world visit this country every year. Each school is attended by two nurses - one for medical problems, the other for counseling. Schools also hold interviews between a parent, their child and a teacher. (In Japan, the child cannot take part in these interviews.)

Photo courtesy by Jukka Kallioinen
(The reason why it attracts attention)

(One of the reasons why Finland has received attention recently among educational circles is the result of the PISA survey by OECD. Finland was at the top of most subjects (No.1 for reading, No.4 for mathematics, No.3 for science. Japan was No.8 for reading, No.1 for mathematics, No. 2 for science). The reasons for this are the existence of extra classes to help students keep up — the students don't have to depend on jukus (which, in any case, don't exist in Finland); the schools take good care of students; the small size of classes; the high quality of teachers; and the absence of private schools, which prevent great differences in standards, Having many chances to read books (fathers take an active role here), there is no focus on memorizing. )

(I think educational care at home should be emphasized (Parents tend to depend on the schools or juku in Japan). But this kind of educational system requires a certain social background. For example, the reason the quality of teaching is very high in Finland is that they can attend lectures free of charge after becoming teachers. The lectures are subsidized by the government. Also, the reason why fathers read book to their children is that work starts around 8 a.m. and finishes around 4 p.m. It means they have enough time to go to the forest with their children and have time to read books to them. As for the children, the summer vacations start in the middle of June and continue until the end of the August, so they have more time to spend with their parents than other country's children. This creates strong ties within the family, everyone takes care of each other. It's a win-win situation.)

Photo courtesy by Jukka Kallioinen
(First of all, our mother tongue)

(In countries where English is taught at elementary schools, generally speaking, English education starts from when the child is seven years old. But it's from nine in Finland. This is because there's no "earlier is better" policy. The Finnish believe in mother tongue first, then foreign languages.)

(Learning other languages)

フィンランドの印象の一つに、「がんじがらめになっていないなぁ」というのがある。例えば小学生の語学教育にしても、ひたすら英語! 英語! と叫ぶ日本と違い、フィンランドでは選択性だ。ドイツ語・フランス語・スウェーデン語の中から選ぶことができる。これには、EUに所属しているということや、地理的・歴史的な理由もあるのだろうが、そうだとしたら日本もその地理的・歴史的な理由から、お隣の韓国や中国、ロシアの言葉を学べる機会が学校で与えられてもおかしくないのではないだろうか。その国の言葉を知るということは、その国の文化や歴史を知るということにもつながる。だから、隣国の言葉は学んでおきたい。フィンランドの外国語教育を通し、こんなことも感じた。
(One of the impressions I received from Finland was that they were held back by not narrow- mindedness. For example, children can choose which foreign language they want to learn at elementary school from among English, German, French and Swedish. However, in Japan, all focus is on English. Perhaps it has something to do with Finland's geography and history, particularly its being part of the EU. So why doesn't Japan offer students opportunities to learn the languages of their neighbors — such as Korean, Chinese or Russian — at school? To study a country's language is to know their culture and history.)

Photo courtesy by Chris Feller
(Is this one of the reasons?)

(Most Finnish have blue eyes and blond hair. Their appearance is like other Europeans, but apparently they have some Eastern Asian genes too. (They are descended from people who migrated from the Ural Mountains, like the people who eventually settled in Hungary.) This is why Finnish is not one of the Indo-European language. Although Finnish use the Roman alphabet, its grammar is totally different from other European languages. Japanese is more similar to Finnish, in terms of its gramMarch When asked what sort of mistakes the Finnish typically make when speaking English, many people mention articles. The Finnish have trouble putting an article before a word, like the Japanese do. Because the Finnish language is unique, the Finnish have some disadvantages when learning other languages. They are required to spend more time studying foreign languages than other European people. And Finish is not an international language. Ironically, it could be because of these demerits that they have created such an outstanding educational system that allows the Finnish to occupy an important place in the world.)

(We do our best, because we are small!)

(Generally speaking, the smaller the country, the more it tends to focus on teaching foreign languages. What is the reason for this? In the case of Finnish universities, it's not unusual to hear of a class held in Finnish with a text written in English. In 1990, Finland was the country that suffered the most from recession. Because of its small size and population, it made a great effort in improving its educational system, and as a result, its economy improved, and now the country is once again thriving.)

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