英語学習サイト ジャパンタイムズ 週刊STオンライン
『The Japan Times ST』オンライン版 | UPDATED: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 | 毎週水曜日更新!   
  • 英語のニュース
  • 英語とエンタメ
  • リスニング・発音
  • ことわざ・フレーズ
  • 英語とお仕事
  • キッズ英語
  • クイズ・パズル
  • 留学・海外生活
  • 英語のものがたり
  • 会話・文法
  • 週刊ST購読申し込み


By Alex Schmidt / アレックス シュミット


Vol. 53 : The horses of King Rhesus

Odysseus and Diomedes crept to the eastern edge of the Trojan camp, where King Rhesus and his men slept. There, they slipped into the king's sleeping quarters and silently slit everyone's throats. By the time they made their way to the king's horses the ground was black with blood.

Diomedes hesitated, wondering whether he should take more from the king's camp — his armor, his weapons, or some of his gold. But Athena whispered in his ear, "Go now. Before one of the other gods wakes the Trojans."

But the warning came too late. Apollo had already woken the men.

"The Greeks are among you," he shouted. "Kill them!"

"Quick," cried Odysseus. "Untie the horses."

"I can't," said Diomedes, fumbling with the ropes in the dark.

"There are people coming!"

"It's too dark."

There was a great cry as the men found the dead body of the king.

"They're over at horses!" someone shouted, and the crowd surged toward Diomedes and Odysseus with swords drawn. Archers drew their bows, ready to shoot.

"Done," said Diomedes, loosening the horses.

The two men swung themselves onto the horses' backs. Arrows flew through the air around them, as they galloped through the camp, scattering men to the left and right, and out into the darkness.

Eventually, they returned to the Greek camp where they were welcomed as heroes.

Agamemnon's mood lightened a little. They still had no news of what Hector would do at dawn, but they knew that the Thracians, whose king was King Rhesus, would no longer fight. The Trojans had lost some valuable men.

Odysseus and Diomedes went to the sea and washed the sweat off their bodies. Then they scrubbed themselves in tubs of water, rubbed olive oil into their skin, before sitting down for a meal, making offerings to Athena and waiting for dawn.


slit everyone's throats




英語のニュース |  英語とエンタメ |  リスニング・発音 |  ことわざ・フレーズ |  英語とお仕事 |  キッズ英語 |  クイズ・パズル
留学・海外就職 |  英語のものがたり |  会話・文法 |  執筆者リスト |  読者の声 |  広告掲載
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