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U.S. Campus Life

California Christmas

By Masako Yamada

On Dec. 1, a friend and I attended a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in downtown Boston. Every year, the citizens of Nova Scotia ship a large Christmas tree to Boston, where it is illuminated with great fanfare. This tradition has continued for 30 years. The tree remains lit throughout the holiday season. During the lighting ceremony, thousands of Bostonians flock to the site to watch Nova Scotian artists perform before the official lighting.

One of the featured artists was a young singer who couldn't have been older than 12. The girl had on a white sweater and red scarf, and she looked as cute as a button in front of the Christmas tree. However, I believe she was dressed that way primarily so that the scene would look "correct" to the TV audience: You see, many of the audience members were clad in T-shirts and light summer dresses. Some even wore tank tops, shorts and sandals.

The temperature in Boston was 71 degrees Fahrenheit (20 degrees Celsius), a record high. People have been commenting that "it's like California," and they haven't been exaggerating. Boston actually beat California. The temperature in Boston was 10 degrees higher than the temperature in L.A. This sudden burst of warm weather has even fooled the trees and flowers to form buds.

My friend and I were crushed by the crowds, but at least we weren't freezing. I think part of the reason there were so many people at this year's ceremony is because the weather was so pleasant. I saw many children, and I couldn't help thinking that if it were as cold as it usually is, they wouldn't have been able to wait for two hours before the lights came on.

On the local TV news that evening, a reporter asked a woman waiting in line to enter a Christmas pavilion (a large room decorated like an enchanted winter village) whether she felt the warm weather dampened Christmas spirits. She said no, the warm weather made the holiday season MORE festive, not less. She suggested that one gets less grumpy waiting in line for 30 minutes when it's warmer than when it's cold.

I think this is probably true. Part of the reason New Englanders are reputed to be reserved and grumpy is, I think, because it's cold for a good part of the year and they tend to stay inside. When it's cold out, people don't stop to have long chats with passers-by. This warm weather has been continuing for several days, and my friends and I have been enjoying chatting over lunch outside.

For the past several days, I've seen a lot more people outside than usual. Part of the reason they were outside is, undoubtedly, because they needed to shop for Christmas presents. However, it seems that a lot of them were out simply to enjoy the good weather. I've seen lots of bikers and runners, as well as people slowly absorbing the sun by taking long walks. Right now, the scenery doesn't in any way resemble a "Winter Wonderland." I don't know if we can expect a "White Christmas."

Bostonians are enjoying these few days of warm weather while they last, and some have been claiming that they wish it'll be like this all the time. I suspect that before long, they'll start missing the usual cold weather and snow, though. Traditional winter foods — roasted turkey, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie, hot apple cider — seem tastiest when it's cold and nippy out. Santa Claus wears a furry coat and rides a sleigh. We have trees that change colors and drop their leaves when it becomes colder. Out-of-town visitors pack heavy bags expecting, and perhaps even hoping for, harsh weather. Boston is supposed to be a cold place. Bostonians wouldn't be the same without Boston winters.

The hard-core winter-loving Bostonians will have to bear the current "heat wave" . . . for now. But perhaps they will have the last laugh in the end. I've heard rumors that this unseasonably warm weather is indicative of very snowy days to come. Winter is not over yet; it has only just begun. We'll see what Mother Nature has in store for us in the coming months.

Shukan ST: Dec. 14, 2001

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