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U.S. Campus Life

New Year's resolutions

By Masako Yamada

Happy New Year! I hope things are well. It's great to think that the upcoming year is a clean slate. Inevitably, I feel compelled to make my New Year's resolutions. My resolutions will probably be modified, and broken, and perhaps even forgotten. But at the very least, this will serve as a record of what is important to me now, at the beginning of the year 2002.

I like the idea of taking photographs in the same location every year to track one's physical growth. Likewise, I like the idea of writing down one's New Year's resolutions. It's like taking a photograph of the soul.

WORK: I'm currently writing three academic papers, which I would like to get published soon. I will use this work as the foundation of my doctoral thesis. I hope to finish writing the thesis in a few months so that I will finally be graduated with a of my Ph.D.

For over five years, I have lived in the same apartment, doing work in the same room in the same department, hanging out with the same friends. The year 2002 will be different. By this time next year, I will probably be living in another city, doing different work and meeting new friends. The economy is currently terrible in the States, and finding jobs is tough. In this climate, many graduate students extend their student careers by a year until the job market is better. I resolve to complete my thesis and find a job THIS YEAR in spite of the terrible job market.

HEALTH: Throughout my graduate school career, I have been affected by chronic eczema and shoulder pain. I've spent thousands of dollars over many years to try to fix these problems, but none of the therapies have worked. This year, I would like to get rid of these problems for good.

For my eczema, I've tried many creams and herbal supplements, but I've decided that changing my diet is a crucial point. People tell me that I shouldn't be thinking of "diets." It's true that I don't need to lose weight. But my favorite diet of McDonald's hamburgers, candy bars and fried foods has not helped my skin condition. I now try to cook low-fat homemade meals even for breakfast and lunch. A Chinese herbalist has also suggested that a large part of my problem is stress-related. I'm sure finishing my thesis will solve this problem!

For my shoulder pain, I've tried Alexander Technique, acupuncture, a Mayan (native American) chiropractor, heating packs, electric stimulus machines, different massage therapies and different combinations of vitamins. This year, I've started doing some stretches, and have come across a massage technique similar to acupressure that helps relax the hard knots in my muscles. The good thing about these methods is that I can do them at home.

FAMILY: With one brother living in Pittsburgh, Penn., two in Japan, my parents in New Jersey, and me in Boston, it's hard to plan family gatherings. It's difficult for me to see even just one of my family members. Getting everybody underneath the same roof seems nearly impossible. In fact, it hasn't happened in years.

However, I know this doesn't have to be the case. It's a matter of effort and thoughtfulness, and I'm afraid I've been too lazy and too careless in the past. I'd like to take more of an initiative to see my family this year. "Family" includes my extended family in Japan. I am long overdue for a trip to see my grandparents and would like to visit after I finish my Ph.D.

HOBBIES: My plans are to complete my thesis in the spring and start a new job in the summer or fall. If I can afford to live by myself, I hope to buy a piano and resume piano lessons. I wasn't able to practice on a real piano during grad school since I've always had three roommates, and I've suspended lessons in order to write my thesis. But I realize that I am still interested in growing as a performer, and I hope to find a new teacher this year to help me do this.

That's about all I can think of for now . . . and it's all I can fit. May the year 2002 bring joy and good fortune to us all.


Shukan ST: Jan. 4, 2002

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