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Campus Life - Letters from Ohio State University

OSU loves its Buckeyes

By Akio Iijima



大学新聞 "The Lantern" を掲げる筆者(左)と友人の Franziska Schubert さん。
The tremendous popularity of the Ohio State University (OSU) Athletics in the city of Columbus, mentioned in my last article, finds its equal on the OSU campus itself, and students are especially pumped up in this year's football season with the Buckeyes having one of their best years since I came to the OSU.

OSU students have a huge interest in college sports, and this is by no means restricted merely to football. The daily school newspaper, The Lantern, carries a sports section in every issue, and on Mondays, it gives not only the scores and results of the weekend games but critiques, analyses and special interviews, covering all kinds of sports from football - everyone's favorite - to minor sports such as cross-country. Sometimes The Lantern even includes a 10-page-long Buckeye Sports Review supplement.

Despite having nationally recognized academic programs in business, engineering and medicine, Buckeye Athletics is what really puts the OSU on the map. Athletics promotes the reputation of the school and is a major source of revenue. Nevertheless, the most important and direct influence it has on the school is bringing together and giving a sense of unity to the large and diverse campus population.

To be honest, I was indifferent to Buckeye Athletics when I matriculated as a freshman three years ago. I bought season tickets to the football only because my friends bought season tickets and I did not want to be left out.

But stepping into the stadium for the first time was the most astonishing and exciting moment in my life in Columbus so far. Over 100,000 fans filled the stadium, cheering and singing rooter's songs, and the ground shook and the air vibrated as they yelled out the letters O-H-I-O. In that moment, I felt proud to be part of the OSU.

Athletes realize their importance as the standard-bearers of the school. Franziska Schubert, a good friend of mine on the Buckeye rowing team, told me that she is aware of her mission, her responsibility, the expectations and the pressure from team sponsors, especially when she is in public wearing her team uniform and jersey as a representative of the school.

At the same time, she enjoys playing the sport like she would a hobby. Sometimes she has to put more effort into it than she would have to for a hobby, but then she just thinks of it as having a deal with the university: She contributes to the national recognition of the school and in exchange gets her education and living expenses paid; she is given the opportunity to live, study and train in the United States, a totally different experience from what her native Germany would have offered; and as an athlete, she is given privileges, such as priority scheduling, personal tutorials, her own academic advisor and much care and attention from professors.

Franziska's situation would be typical of most athletes at the school, the majority of whom are recruited from out-of-state. In rowing, the first eight, including Franziska, are all foreigners - except for the cox.

It is paradoxical that Buckeye athletes do not regard Buckeye Athletics with the same pride or emotional attachment that they inspire within the school. The majority come to and stay at the university not out of love for the OSU but for the support it provides its athletes.

However, when I was a sophomore, like Franziska, my pride in the OSU was next to none. It was Buckeye Athletics, especially Buckeye football, that inspired me with a love for my school. She, on the other hand, barely cares about Buckeye football. Hardly knowing the rules, she has never enjoyed watching a game, and she has confessed that she has not tried hard enough to enjoy it. If she felt fully a part of the school, she may find a different inspiration and dignity in being an honorable Buckeye athlete.

Shukan ST: Nov. 15, 2002

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