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Campus Life

Buckeyes vs. Wolverines

By Akio Iijima



The rivalry between the Ohio State University (OSU) "Buckeyes" and the University of Michigan "Wolverines" is recognized as one of the greatest in American sporting history. Although the two had competed against each other since 1897, it was only in 1922 when the Wolverines beat the Buckeyes 22-0 in the first game at the Ohio Stadium - our renowned home stadium - that the hostility rose to the intensity that it sees today. So famous was their antagonism toward each other that since 1935 their game has been the finale of the season games. The Buckeyes and the Wolverines have always stood in each other's way in the quest for the Big Ten College Football Championship.

ミシンガン大との試合までの1週間は "Beat Michigan Week" と呼ばれ、公式ウエブサイトhttp://www.ohiounion.com/bmw/まで、存在する
There are plenty of events to inspire students with the school spirit during the "Beat Michigan Week." For example, the American Red Cross holds a blood-donation event, "The Blood Battle," at both universities every year. Both universities try to "put the squeeze" on the other and outdo each other in the blood count, which is published everyday in the school newspaper. Earlier on, OSU led Michigan by 93 units of blood. Two days later, 400 units of blood were donated in Michigan, putting them in the lead by over 100 units. Between Michigan and Ohio, anything regarded as a "battle" is all that matters.

The rivalry gets into people's blood. Traditionally, hundreds of OSU students gather around a small lake on campus, and jump into the icy water to show their support and loyalty to the Buckeyes. It is so cold that many get sick afterward, but this does not stop the crazy fans.

The football rivalry over time has influenced more than just football. The attitudes of Ohioans towards Michigan people are so hostile that saying you are from Michigan sounds like treachery in Ohio. Likewise, my friend from Michigan is often called a traitor at home and teased for going to the OSU.

There are many foul and mean jokes about Michigan: One of my acquaintances was told by her mother, when she was little, that everything that was flushed down the toilet went to Michigan. Stereotypes of people from Michigan are all negative, often portraying them as dumb, arrogant and "cocky." Strangely, I am also influenced by these stereotypes even though I barely know any people from Michigan. Three years at the OSU have made me develop such biases unconsciously.

Although rivalry in football may be the most obvious reason for the negative images and hostility toward Michigan, there are other less obvious factors. The OSU is one of the best public universities in the country, but the University of Michigan has a higher academic reputation. Because Michigan is one of the largest private universities in the United States, many wealthy parents send their children there. Though football drives the rivalry, the contempt for a richer and possibly smarter school may add to the hostility.

The past three years were disappointing seasons for the Buckeyes: either a poor performance or a loss against Michigan, which matters most. The OSU replaced their last coach, John Cooper, only because of his poor record against Michigan - two victories in 12 games - despite his outstanding record in his 13 years of coaching at the OSU, including three Big Ten Championship titles.

With the new coach, Jim Tressel, things are different. The OSU came into the Michigan game undefeated. The day before the game, the school newspaper made a 24-page supplement just for the Michigan game, and OSU students were pumped up for the big game, powered by years of frustration.

The game resulted in a dramatic turnover in the fourth quarter, and the Buckeyes beat the Wolverines 14-9. Except for a tie in 1973, each team has always managed to dash the other's hopes of an unbeaten season, and the Buckeyes finally broke the jinx. At the same time, they now have a ticket to the Fiesta Bowl. The Buckeyes are just one-step away to becoming the National Champion.

Shukan ST: Dec. 27, 2002

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