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Campus Life - Letters from Dartmouth College

One carnival to rule them all

By Yoko Kubo

Dartmouth has one big event every term. In the fall, we have Homecoming; in winter we have the Winter Carnival, a tradition that was started in 1910 and takes place over a weekend in February. It was originally planned as a way for Dartmouth students to make the most of the college's prime location for winter sports, and has since become an annual showcase of outdoor activities that draws spectators and alumni from various parts of the nation.

Each Winter Carnival has a theme, and one of the key attractions of the weekend is the long-standing tradition of building a huge snow sculpture in the center of the Green in accordance with this theme. As you may have guessed from the title of this article, which served as the catchphrase of this year's carnival, the theme of 2003 was J.R.R. Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings." Students rallied together to build a gigantic figure of the wizard Gandalf, one of the characters from the novel, holding a pair of skis. Several engineering majors were enlisted in its design.

Due to the heavy snowfall and relatively cold temperatures this winter, the result, while perhaps not exactly resembling the movie character, was still a highly impressive structure that towered over the buildings around it. In its palm was placed a light bulb that emitted a suitably eerie, "magical" green light at night.

A first-time visitor to Dartmouth's Winter Carnival is likely to think that the students have gone mad due to the cold, or perhaps from the university's isolation. For instance, the two most cherished Winter Carnival activities, the Human Dog Sled Race and the Polar Bear Swim, involve student "dogs" dragging people across the snow-covered lawn and scantily clad students jumping into a hole drilled into the ice on Occum pond. "What in the world for?" you may ask. To tell the truth, I have no idea. It seems like Dartmouth students look for any possible excuse to do crazy things.

This Winter Carnival, I decided to go and watch the Polar Bear Swim. This tradition, albeit a recent one (started in 1994), attracts a large number of spectators as well as a surprisingly large number of reckless students waiting their turn to jump, wearing only swimming trunks or bikinis (and sometimes, capes, American flags and other strange gear.) A rope is tied around each swimmer's waist and medical assistance is on standby, but thankfully there have been no casualties yet.

I personally never intend to participate myself - what makes people voluntarily jump into ice-cold, muddy pond water just to immediately climb back out again for a measly polar-bear badge is something I will never fathom. Besides, it is much more entertaining (and warmer) to watch others put themselves through such ludicrous acts!

There are many other options for those who prefer something a little less insane. Aside from the usual themed parties and musical performances that take place, there is also the 99-cent ski day, sponsored by the college radio station, 99Rock, and the Midnite Breakfast, where a full breakfast is served in the college dining facilities at midnight. Slalom races take place at the Dartmouth Skiway during most of the day, where Dartmouth skiers compete against skiers from other colleges.

Winter Carnival is definitely the greatest perk of the at times desolate winter season in Hanover. It certainly helps one appreciate the splendor of all the snow and ice, although I, for one, am feeling a sort of relief because the days are finally getting longer and the weather slightly warmer (although it is still snowing as I write).

Next term, I will participate in a college language program, where I will be spending nearly three months studying French in the city of Paris. I am sure that I can expect a totally different atmosphere over there, and I will let you know how I am doing in articles to come!

Shukan ST: April 4, 2003

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