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Farewell, World War Ii


The history of World War II has always interested me, and I read about it regularly. It is perhaps the largest event in human history. And I believe an understanding of what happened from 1939 to 1945 is crucial to understanding the politics of the world today. However, these days there are some people out there who need to pay less attention to World War II.

Japan's parliament is currently debating whether the nation's flag and anthem should be legally declared the country's official symbols. Now why would they need to do that? Isn't it obvious to all Japanese that the Hinomaru and "Kimigayo" are the de facto symbols of Japan?

Apparently not. Some object to the flag, calling it a symbol of Japanese wartime oppression. Others reject the anthem because its lyrics (which I, and most Japanese, cannot even understand) proclaim the glories of the Emperor, another symbol of World War II aggression to some.

My message to these people is this: Don't blame the flag for what the people carrying it were doing. Japan's rising sun flag is, I think, one of the simplest and most elegant designs of any in the world, and it has been around since long before the war. It is a far cry from the Nazi swastika, a classic symbol of oppression.

The same goes for Kimigayo, which is the world's oldest anthem. Its slow, majestic tones contrast sharply with other countries' military-style marches. The British don't lament their monarchy-praising anthem. What's the problem here in Japan? If the lyrics are incomprehensible or inappropriate, why not just change them?

Of course, the reason these questions are being raised is that many feel, rightly so, that Japan never properly apologized for the horrors that its armies brought upon Asia during the war. Though some recent-day Japanese politicians have addressed the issue in trips around Asia, most of the country's leaders still feel that they cannot look China or Korea in the eye because of past transgressions.

Witness the utterly impotent response by Japanese Self-Defense Forces to the invasion of Japan's waters by two North Korean spy vessels. Those ships should have been blown out of the water when they failed to heed warning shots! But no, rules written by somebody thinking too much about events from a half-century ago prevented the Maritime Self-Defense Forces from doing what would have deterred future violations. Thank goodness those rules are being reviewed as a result.

While frank education about Japan's past is crucial, there's a limit to how long this apology issue should be allowed to play a role in diplomacy or the nation's psyche, and the limit is long past.

Most nations have at least one dark spot in their history: The British oppressed millions around the world with their empire. And Americans trod freely upon the rights of blacks, Mexicans and native Americans while growing their nation. But there's no talk of trashing the Stars and Stripes as a result.

So yes, pass that law about the flag and anthem. It's time for Japanese diplomacy and patriotism to start living in the 21st century instead of 1945. The leaders of Japan today were either children or not even born when World War II took place. Forcing them to take responsibility for the deeds of the previous generation will only generate ceremonial lip service, if anything. And more empty words from politicians are something we can all do without.

Shukan ST: June 25, 1999

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