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Learning how to network

By Caroline Pover

A few months ago I held a workshop to help Japanese women develop their international networking skills.

This gave me a good opportunity to think about what "international networking" means to me. I realized that it means building social (not just professional) relationships with people from all around the world, letting people know who we are and what we want, and ensuring that we achieve our goals. It also means helping others achieve what they want - networking is not a one-way process. But the most exciting thing about networking for me is that it means always being open to exciting opportunities: Somebody you meet today may be the person who changes your life forever!

If you are interested in developing your own international network but aren't sure where to start, just think for a moment about all the foreigners you have some sort of contact with, and the Japanese people you know who have spent some time overseas. They don't have to be very close friends; they can be neighbours, business colleagues, social or professional acquaintances, relatives, etc. All of these people are part of your existing network. And all of the people that they know are part of your extended network. Even if you don't know them, it would be very simple to ask for an introduction.

To be able to use your network effectively, you have to have a clear purpose for networking. You don't need to directly tell people what it is, but you need to know in your own mind. When you look at the network you already have, you will see that there are people you know already who might be able to help you. You will also see that there are people you can introduce to each other so that they can help each other achieve their goals: Remember, it isn't about getting only your needs met!

When you start networking in a new international environment, whether it is social or professional, there are a few cultural differences that are very important to remember and were particularly useful to the Japanese women who attended my workshop. In a Western environment, being confident is quite important, whereas in a Japanese environment it may seem "aggressive," especially for women. For example, eye contact is very important - in Japan it is said to be confrontational but in a Western country, if you don't meet someone's eye, it gives the impression that you cannot be trusted. Also, a firm, confident handshake is something that a lot of women, not just Japanese women, can learn to give properly - and I guarantee that people will remember it if it comes from a woman!

There are lots of opportunities for you to extend your international network and practise your networking skills. There are many professional networking organisations run by the foreign community, international volunteer organisations, online support groups/discussion boards (a lot of networking can take place right there at your desk!), publications (if you read something you like, then track down the author! Feel free to email me at caroline@go-girls.jp), social environments such as bars and restaurants and parties. (I have made a lot of close friends and quite a few business contacts in my local bar!)

Remember, you never know when you might meet someone who could change your life.

Shukan ST: Jan. 30, 2004

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