"I have no animosity toward Hollywood or the demands of the red carpet, all that silliness. That's my job, and I'm happy to have it. But when I die, do I want to be remembered as an actress? No."
(ハリウッドに対してもスターとしていろいろなばかばかしい要求をされることについても、反感は抱いていません。それが私の仕事ですし、その仕事ができて幸せです。でも、私が死ぬとき、女優として記憶されたいか? いいえ、です)
"I recently had an op-ed (column) published in a newspaper. And at the end, it didn't say I was an actress. It said that I was a U.N. goodwill ambassador —— that's all. And I was really proud."